joshfei Member


  • For most of my life, I was a big soda drinker. I could not stand the taste of plain water. When I started my diet, the soda went out the window, and I began drinking water more frequently. I found that I enjoyed it best at room temperature (although I know that this varies for people). Now, the only liquids I have on a…
  • For me, there were 3 parts that I believe made this work. Step 1 was removing everything remotely unhealthy and tempting from my house. Step 2 was buying and replacing the above with healthy alternatives. Fruits, vegetables, whole wheat or whole grain breads etc. Step 3 was committing to myself the responsibility of…
  • For me, TNG had the best all around cast and most interesting episodes. I enjoyed DS9 for its darker story lines and arcs. Voyager and Enterprise were both a little less enjoyable but I'm always glad to watch them when on TV.
  • My dad grew up on the original, but for me anything that followed, rules. I loved TNG and DS9. Voyager had its good moments as did Enterprise.
    in OST Comment by joshfei April 2013
  • Monday through Saturday, I eat half a cup of 1 minute oatmeal mixed with a sprinkling of cinnamon. I split half a cup of skim milk with half for my coffee and half mixed into the oatmeal. Sunday, I treat myself to a large eggwhite omelett (with one reg egg).
  • I am proud that I have gone 7 days, without a drop of soda. And believe me, that is saying a lot. I have only been using the app a week, but I love it. I wish that I had access to the forums as well, on the app.