Introduce yourself and maybe your fav show ?



  • ElizabethKathrynJ
    My name is Hollie. (: I grew up with all of the Star Trek Series. <3 I have been watching them since as far as I can remember. Voyager and the Original Series are my Absolute favorites! &My favorite Star Trek Movie is Star TrekIV:The Voyage Home(: I am 18 years old and has been a Trekkie since like... well, birth. lol(: ^^ So, yeah. Nice to meet you all!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I'm Jen, glad to discover this group.

    I love all the treks (except Enterprise, seemed like a formulaic copy of previous characters), my fave is DS9, I re-watch it every few years- like now!

    Loved BSG (the later one) soooo much.

    We get a couple of sci fi channels here, and have recently discovered the all the stargate series, we're watching Atlantis properly, up to season 4 so far. SG1 I dabble in. Eureka, warehouse 13, anything going! Except all that ghost hunter/paranormal reality show crap, how is that on a sci fi channel??

    All time faves are probably BSG and Firefly :sad:
  • patcp1
    I am Pat and I live in Omaha,NE

    I would have to say I connected with TNG and DS9 the most, but this was most likely due to them taking up much of my TV time during first run as a youth!

    Anymore I find myself as a fan of all the Stargate's, Doctor Who, Torchwood, and most of all at a loss for the lack of Sci-Fi on SyFy.
  • chellehubcap
    I am Chelle and I love all things Sci-fi. Voyager was my favorite Star Trek, Stargate in any version, Dr Who at any time, and odd movies like Galaxy Quest, Mars Attacks etc..

    Am from Texas
  • takera16
    takera16 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm Carla from, PA, USA.

    I love TOS, always did always will. Watched reruns with my dad and it stuck. You know it's bad when my students know my room thanks to the ships of the line calender in it. But I love VOY too, I think there were missteps, but in general it had the feel of exploration and character relations that I love. I am a general sci-fi nerd too... but am currently into Alcatraz... which I know is drama but it has me hooked on mystery factor.
  • peterhoo1956
    peterhoo1956 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I use Sci Fi as a kind of support for my life where I prepare food each day. The episodes I view help me keep my mind on topics other than what I might choose to eat because I am hungry.
  • StarTrekkinDelta
    StarTrekkinDelta Posts: 30 Member
    Heyyyy, so. I'm Hollie. I am from Texas. I have been a Trekkie for as long as I can remember. (: Kathryn Janeway was my childhood rolemodel and I remember watching most of Voyager and all of Enterprise wlen theu first aired<3 Voyager has always been my favorite<3 My favorite movies are First Contact, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (got the privaledge to see that movie in an expensive movie theatre, on the big screen, for free:D<333), and the new movie. Though, I do love every single one of tjem(((: I am currently watching Deep Space Nine (almost done with Season 4! Yay!:D) I have over a hundred Star Trek Books, a "pet" tribble, and I watch Star Trek while working out at home or the gym. Haha. I have no life. xD Love this group(:
  • Cybereese
    Cybereese Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all!

    I am from Philadelphia. I lvoe all theTreks. Right now I and in a DS9 mood. I enjoy Dr. Who and love Stargate too.
  • attocs
    attocs Posts: 8 Member
    Hello, Scott here and I would have to say that TOS is my favorite, thou I do have all series and movies on DVD. Just started seriously trying to lose weight so I have my own Trek to make.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I love anything that is science fiction: Firefly, Star Trek, Babylon 5 and even Stargate. :) It's all great.

    I guess I do prefer the ones where they go and experience new things though some are more like watching a science fiction novel come to life which is why I loved Firefly.

  • eldarkangel
    eldarkangel Posts: 25 Member
    Same here. Turned to some forms of anime to get my fix. My fav at the moment is Fringe as that is all that is on. Need to re-watch Babylon 5 one day. I love that how dark that was when i was kid.. its so hard to get motiveated on a moday
  • aakokopelli7
    aakokopelli7 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello all!
    Amanda from Virginia. My favorite show are Dr. Who, Star Trek Next Gen, and Big Band Theory. Please feel free to add me, I am good for a laugh and of course motivation!
  • Althasaur
    Hello All,
    Fan most star trek franchises, though I think Voyager was one of the better ones. (Currently playing Star Trek Online :) )
    Also a bit of a Whovian,

    Sedentary life is the hardest to change, need to be more active and more careful about what foods I eat.. :(
  • joshfei
    joshfei Posts: 6 Member
    For me, TNG had the best all around cast and most interesting episodes. I enjoyed DS9 for its darker story lines and arcs. Voyager and Enterprise were both a little less enjoyable but I'm always glad to watch them when on TV.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I miss Eureka. :( Why on earth did they cancel it....seems like all the good shows die young. Sigh.

    I know there's a new one hitting this Monday on Sci Fy but I can't remember the name of it...something to do with a new Earth and living with alien races. Anyone recall the name?
  • Onestep43
    Onestep43 Posts: 10 Member
    I love the Trek universe. There's something about the optimistic view of the future that appeals to me. I also love the Vulcan culture. Has anyone read the book Sarek? It's about Spock's father and it's very good.

    Then again, I am in training, and it's hard to think of training with out thinking about running through the swamps of Dagobah with Yoda on my back.
  • Tavok
    Tavok Posts: 10
    Star Trek TNG and DS9 are my two absolute favorites, but any Trek will do! Awhile ago, Michael Dorn was pitching a Klingon spin-off show... too bad it didn't come to fruition! I really like the Klingon lore. Qapla!
  • DudeistPriest
    DudeistPriest Posts: 665 Member
    I'm Ken, been a Trekkie since I was 5yo. TOS will always be my fave series. I believe it is time to do another animated series. it would be a great use of the new time lime.
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    Hi I'm Chris. Star Trek the original series is my favorite but The Next Generation's introduction of the Borg can not be understated and I think Q is the most interesting villain.