Sweets1954 Member


  • Thanks for the suggestions.
  • I prefer whole eggs and find it is cheaper to buy a dozen eggs and throw away the yolks if I want just egg whites. The carton variety is much more expensive. I find just egg whites to be very flat and tasteless, the yolk adds very little additional calories.
  • I tend to eat some form of oatmeal, usually steel cut, with Greek yogurt and a little honey or fruit on days that I work. On the weekend I will fry and egg and have it with whole wheat toast or a low cal English muffin. Sometimes I will splurge and have a bagel with low fat cream cheese. I have also had avocado toast but…
  • My last A1C was 5.4 but my daily fasting BG is sometimes over 100. I'm a little confused as I have had one doctor say that as long as it is under 120 I'm okay but another says it should be under 100. I have tried to do research on the internet and get mixed results as well.
  • I will be traveling to Tokyo this May and I am concerned about how to handle the time change as well as the long flight over. Do I test according to "home" time or do I test according to local time? I spoke with my doctor about the trip and the only thing she advised me on was to wear compression socks and to take baby…
  • I have tried not to deny myself anything, chocolate, wine, or cheese. I fit it into my daily allowance. Cheese I have almost every day, chocolate and wine less often.
  • I will be going to Tokyo for a week toward the end of July. I know I have one day trip to Mt Fuji but otherwise the trip is wide open. Do you have any suggestions of what I should see or do while there?
  • I love to cook and especially to bake. My husband has taken over fixing dinner since he is retired and he doesn't always fix the best for a dieting me. I haven't done as much baking since I don't want to eat a lot of it but I will bake with my granddaughter and send home part of it with her.
  • I have had box wine in the refrigerator for much longer than 4 weeks and it is still good. I toured a winery several years ago (more than 25) and at that time I was told that box wine will stay fresh for 6 months, even after opening. As I am the only one who drinks wine, and that very occasionally, I will either by a box…
  • Eating can be one of the joys of life. I choose what I want to eat based on how I am feeling and what I want to eat at the time. By choice I limit, or try to, the high calorie foods because I want to be a more healthy me. But if I want to have a Milky Way, I will eat it and enjoy it. The same goes with other so called…
  • I do tend to avoid fast food but I have been doing that before I started losing weight. I do occasionally have fast food, usually when I am traveling or running short on time/groceries at home. I have found that often when I do stop for something at a fast food restaurant it's not nearly as satisfying as I thought it would…
  • I have gone through my closet and pulled out all the clothes that are two sizes too big. I am slowly replacing the things that are only 1 size too big but I am finding the ones that I have bought are becoming too big as well.
  • Eat the one you like. It doesn't help to force yourself to eat something you don't like.
  • I haven't found ground chicken but I can find ground pork and ground turkey most of the time. I like to mix one or both with ground beef to make meatloaf. I have found that the ground turkey is very dry and not very flavorful by itself. It needs a lot added to it to make it tasty.
  • I'm more concerned about improving my health and if losing weight allows me to also get into a smaller size clothing all the better. I want to feel good about myself, by that I mean being healthy enough to do the things I want to do, especially spend time with my grandchildren being active.
  • I keep a supply of "approved" snacks at my desk. Try to avoid the areas where the food is kept and if you know it's a birthday or other celebration have a small portion and work it into your daily calories if possible.
  • For those of you who have trouble drinking a gallon of water, fill a gallon container with water and keep it in the refrigerator. When you are thirsty or throughout the day drink from that container. You will find it is not that hard to drink a gallon of water over a 24 hour period. You will not die from drinking 128…
  • I cut up celery and put it in meatloaf, soups, and stews. Many recipes call for it with onions, peppers, etc. I will also cut it up and put in salads, even tuna salad, chicken salad, and pasta salad as it adds a nice crunch.
  • I never liked breakfast and I take a medication that needs to be taken on an empty stomach and no food for at least an hour afterward. I have found hundreds, if not thousands, of recipes for overnight oatmeal, muesli, slow cooker oatmeal, etc., even yogurt/fruit/granola parfaits, that can be made ahead of time, stored in…
  • I love oatmeal and this scone recipe sounds delicious! I have found many recipes for oatmeal, both rolled oats and steel cut oats, on the internet. This has become a very east, make ahead staple for breakfast for me. Wat is the calorie count for the oatmeal cookies? This recipe sounds as good ad the one on the Quaker…
  • I use olive oil in cooking. I use canola oil for baking. And, I do use butter occasionally.
  • My daughter and I decided to not eat as much fast food long before I decided to diet. I lost quite a bit by just making that simple change. Now if I am tempted I will stop but am always disappointed as it never tastes as good or looks as good as the advertisement. About the only time I go to fast food places now is for…
  • I love cottage cheese and can go either sweet or savory. I like to mix it with pineapple, mandarin oranges, or berries, even a little cinnamon is good. I will also add a little season salt from time to time for something more savory.
  • It may not be scary but I think it tastes awful! Personally I prefer to eat sugar or honey rather than artificial sweeteners.
  • My husband's favorite place is Panda Express. I get the rice bowl with mushroom chicken. It has the least calories of any of their entrees. The chicken and green bean is only about 20 calories more. If you can find the menu and nutrition information online you can check and see what will fit into your day.
  • I can certainly relate. My husband is not supportive at all as well. I plan my breakfast and lunch that I can take to work as well as a snack. When I cook I plan healthy meals and serve myself an appropriate portion. My problem is he is retired and has taken over cooking the evening meal. He frys everything so I try to…
  • lynnstrick01--I agree with you about excercise. I dislike going to the gym as it smells like unwashed socks and i find many of the people who go there are condescending and patronizing. I do go to water aerobics for two hours a week, it's the only class I can find that I can fit into my work schedule. I enjoy it and I…
  • I generally have oatmeal, preferably steel cut, in some form with Greek yogurt and fruit. I will make up a mueseli or overnight oatmeal and add the yogurt and fruit in the morning. I was never a big breakfast eater but since I have diabetes it was recommended that I eat 5-6 small meals a day to maintain my blood glucose…
  • When I go to bed. I don't eat again until morning even if I'm up. Generally once I've had dinner I'm done for the day but I will add a snack if I eat or drink something after dinner.
  • During the week some form of oatmeal, preferably steel cut, with yogurt and fruit. On the weekends I'll have an egg with toast. Sometimes I will make oatmeal pancakes with applesauce. I try to keep breakfast between 300 to 350 calories including a cup of tea with a teaspoon of honey and a little low fat milk (28 calories)