

  • OH my gosh!!! 11 lbs is a great loss!!! Since I've started, I've lost 25lbs and I've JUST started to see results!!!! Granted...15lbs were not on THIS site, but seriously, it takes a while! I have a saying on my computer at work that says: It takes 4 weeks for YOU to notice results It takes 8 weeks for your friends and…
  • Did you co worker open the diet pop, shove your mouth open and then force you to drink it while they were standing over you? If not, I would say its safe to say you made the decision on your own to drink the pop. With THAT being said, chalk it up to a crap day, and make tomorrow better. Really, ONE day of snacks and pop is…
  • Truthfully, the first 2 weeks are the hardest!!!! By the third week, your body is getting used to what you are doing differently, and accepting it. By week 4 and 5 (where I currently am), you don't even notice those snack cakes or that bottle of pop anymore, and I am actually EXCITED to go to the gym MOST of the time!…
  • Feel free to add me if you'd like! I have an open food diary, with recipes that I make at home (most of the time). I also log daily, and don't be surprised if I root you on for losing that .5lbs!! :D
  • Personally- for my arms I measure the BIGGEST part of my arm (that pesky flappy arm!!) I measure my waist at the smallest part of it, my hips at the largest part of my hips, and for my thighs, again, the largest part of my thighs. I do this so that I KNOW which part I'm doing everytime!
  • I'm 25 next month, and looking to lose about 93 more lbs! I'm currently down 24.2lbs since starting to lose weight, 8lbs since starting this site (8lbs in 30 days mind you!)
  • I burn over 500cal every day at the gym. Nearly an hour on the elliptical, plus weights and yoga class at night..yeah its VERY possible. Between work, the gym and yoga, I dont have much down time at home. For me, Id rather be working my butt off (literally) rather than spending time at home in front of the TV or laptop…
  • Feel free to add me! I log daily and am always open to new motivational friends!
  • Yes- 15 plus my entire back Over the past 7 yrs Everyone has their first tribal tattoo (yes, I know..lol), several stars, a hooker fairy (again, I know..I was 18! Don't judge!!) some musical things and my entire back is a bunch of characters from Tim Burton movies. Beetlejuice, 9, Nightmare Before Christmas, Charlie and…
  • I will tell you, I was literally eating McDonalds every day for breakfast (I work right next door to one), along with a large iced coffee. Through the day I would drink 2-3 bottles of diet pop. This was a daily habit.. I dont know what changed, but something clicked in my head that I HAVE to stop this habit and get in a…
  • Hey there ladies and gents! I'm very new to this site, but was on another one and managed to lose enough to make me want to keep going! A little bit about myself, I'm 24 yr old, and I do accounting for a Ford dealership. I also am a Mary Kay Pink Lady!! I've not been focusing much on Mary Kay though, since I've been trying…
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one that is looking to lose that kind of weight!!! Feel free to add me if you'd like, I am on here daily and although I just started this site, I was on another site and lost an over all of 16.5lbs in a matter of a few months (I didnt really try for a while there). Having people on here and even…