Cutting out Soft Drinks



  • jricht001
    I will tell you, I was literally eating McDonalds every day for breakfast (I work right next door to one), along with a large iced coffee. Through the day I would drink 2-3 bottles of diet pop. This was a daily habit..

    I dont know what changed, but something clicked in my head that I HAVE to stop this habit and get in a healthier routine.

    I dropped all pop, coffee and fast food, and the one thing that has helped me specifically with caffeine withdrawls is water. I know that sounds ridiculous and like such a cliche but honestly since I've started drinking a lot of water (1.5-3L), I've not had any headaches or anything of that sort! Its been amazing! Plus, I've been eating less and haven't had any cravings since I've started the water deal..

    Whats your substitute? WATER!
  • bianc71
    bianc71 Posts: 3 Member
    Last year I gave up soda for Lent and when Lent was over, I drank 3 sodas in one day. I found that I no longer cared for them and no longer drink soda at all. The greatest part of giving soda up was that it helped me to get started on a weight loss journey that is still unfolding. I have lost a total of 114 pounds and it all started when I stopped drinking soda. Of course soda wasn't my only downfall but it was the step I needed to get started. Best of luck to you. Small changes can have big results in the end.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I used to drink a ton of anywhere between 3-6 Fantas (sometimes Mt Dew) per day. It's pretty much the one and only thing I've pretty much eliminated from my diet. If I'm really feeling like I need a soda I will very occasionally have a Peligrino Orange sparkling water at 120 calories and made with fruit juice. I've had two in the past three months. Pretty much I just stick with my actual orange every day now. When I need that bubbly, I do regular sparkling water. It wasn't easy, but I would think if I could kick the soda, pretty much anybody can.
  • kvg1210
    kvg1210 Posts: 35
    i drink a lot of what you guys call soda we Brits call pop - i'm trying to cut it out - got myself a load of sparkling water and soda water and will be trying to drink these instead with bits of lemon and lime in them. No substitute for pepsi max cherry but hey got to try something. Also never been much of a tea or coffee drinker but my sister has got me to try best of both by Tetleys - it's half normal tea and half green tea and you can add milk. She says it really helps her because she doesn't feel hungry after having a cup of this - anyone else tried it?
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    I drink diet soda whenever I want it. 0 shame, 0 guilt.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I drink beer instead.
  • wickedwendy6
    wickedwendy6 Posts: 117 Member
    I have it once a week - on Saturday nights with my homemade pizza. Because let's face it - what's a pizza without a soft drink to go with it? :happy:
  • TennesseeSodaholic
    TennesseeSodaholic Posts: 129 Member
    I switched to La Croix or Perrier. I like the fizzy stuff, and that helped. I did not give up my morning coffee, so that helped with caffeine withdrawal.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Last year I cut out drinks for 4 months completely, but then I let myself slowly go back to it...and it caused my fall back into them. I think I use them as a source of energy and a possible quick comfort-thing, and I really need this to stop.

    I enjoy Green Tea, do you think if I switch it for Cola that it might help?

    how did you feel during those 4 months?
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I have diet soda every now and then, I really love the taste of Diet Coke, but fortunately for me the carbonation is what turns me off of soda. If it's a comfort thing, the tea should do the trick, but if that flavor's not getting your sugar fix try Mio or Crystal Light or other water additives. Good luck!
  • Tryinonemoretime
    Tryinonemoretime Posts: 86 Member
    Sparkling H20 is my go-to soda replacement.

    Yep! The Sparkling water is how I got away from soda. I don't think it was the caff or the flavor that I was craving as much as the carbonation! It has been over a year for me and my sparkling water (HyVee Black Cherry) saves me from falling back!!!!
    Good Luck to you!
  • cm1458
    cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
    I drink green tea every day. I havent had a soda since jan 2011. I quit cold turkey. But the tea does help when I am craving it, It helps me even more if the tea is hot. Good luck
  • lucyinthesky2007
    lucyinthesky2007 Posts: 98 Member
    I cut out soft drinks ( we call em cokes in Tennessee Lol!) last year as my new year resolution. I was a Dr.Pepper addict. I thought I'd never be able to live with out it and my sweet tea but surprisingly I don't really miss them at all. In a year I've had maybe 5 glasses of sweet tea and only 1/2 of one Dr.Pepper! Considering we used to drink a gallon of tea and a six pk of Dr.Pepper a day in my house that's pretty amazing. I've also found that my cravings for sweets have almost disappeared since stopping too. Its really what kick started my weightloss. Only water, coffee, and unsweetened herbal tea for me these days and I don't feel deprived in the least bit.