kticoulet Member


  • I am the slowest runner in the world and I've done 3 marathons. I've done them all by running (okay, jogging) 5 minutes, walking 1, over and over again. Just go super slowly. You'll enjoy it. I haven't run in over 10 years because I stopped enjoying it. Just tried again with the goal of running 1 mile, no matter how long…
  • +1 to Trudiebamford. I have a hell of a time trying to build upper body strength but after going to Barre3 classes for awhile now (2 years), at most 3x/week and often less than that, with some months off due to work and all... my shoulders and arms look great. Better definition than what I had with heavier weights. 2 lb…
  • I ran 2 marathons with Team in Training years ago. Your longest run should be about 20 miles if you are training for a marathon at 26 miles. Work your way up to it. If I remember correctly the 20 miler is done 2 weeks before the race, so you can taper properly.
  • Don't give up! I'm basically the same size/height as you, but I don't have Type 1 Diabetes (my mom does, so I do understand what you're going through). The scales haven't moved in 3 weeks for me and I try to keep to roughly 1200 calories. It's totally possible to eat less. I didn't think I could, but if you choose foods…
  • I just started and the place I go to has a Fundamentals course. You cannot do real CrossFit until they train you to lift properly, etc. It's great. I don't have a ton of weight to lose, but I really want to reshape my body... and I think CrossFit will help me get there better than anything else. Go somewhere local and ask…
  • Start small. I frequently forget to drink liquid of any kind except coffee. I got a Camelbak water bottle or a Sigg bottle and try to drink two over the course of the day. And I drink hot herbal tea in the evening so I get there. But it's not easy. For sure. Slow and steady. Add lemon, try the Mio flavor enhancers
  • I have Exercise-induced asthma but it usually rears its ugly head when running. So I run/walk -- run 5 min. walk 1, over and over again. The walk helps bring my breathing under control. I'm super-slow anyway, so there's no chance of me winning any races. But this helps me to not need any inhalers.
  • My stomach used to be the only part of my body that I never complained about...nice and flat. Then I gained 60 lbs during pregnancy and had a C-section. The weight has been gone for awhile now, but everything shifted around. My stomach absolutely has a pouch and I think it has to do with diastasis (the muscles never…