

  • Do not go cold turkey. It's too hard on your system. Caffeine dilates your blood vessels, if you stop cold turkey they will constrict and that's what gives people horrible headaches. That's why some headache medications (like Excedrin Migraine) have caffeine in them, to open the vessels and have your head stop pounding. It…
  • I'm in a program at the hospital and they say weekly. Sometimes I can't stand it and weigh myself midweek too. Just remember, it will fluctuate so don't beat yourself up if you gain. And the goal is 1 -2 pounds a week if you want to keep it off. Anymore than that and your probably not eating enough. I believe that's when…
  • I recommend having food with the shake. Liquid just doesn't last long. I had a yogurt or granola bar (careful - read the labels on those to avoid excess fat/calories) with mine and didn't get hungry so fast. Carrying SlimFast in your purse may not be your best option. The shakes need to be good and cold. The bars have…
  • MzBug - That can be said about a lot of "real" food too. I'm wondering what baby formula does. That stuff is nasty! Poor babies.
  • I lost 30+ pounds on it and kept if off for years. I had one for breakfast (because otherwise I don't eat breakfast so that was an improvement), and my largest sensible meal of the day midday (so there's time to work it off), then had one for dinner. I snacked on fruits and veggies throughout the day. I measured out all my…
  • I'n new here myself. I recommend learning about nutrition on the government website to read about what you should be eating. It's a good base to start with. Then search this site for recipes other members have posted. I wrote out a grid with everything I should eat (for me 8 water, 6 grain, 3…
  • Get rid of them! My daughter just went through all my clothes. Some of them she said she never liked anyway and now was the time to part with them. I'm concerned about the money to keep buying clothes but I will shop at a local resale shop and Goodwill until I reach my goal. Someone out there needs your clothes more than…
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