The__Deflator Member


  • I dont know if this is the right way to solve your problem, but I'll try to help. Go to "Food" --> "My Foods" --> then you should see the list of your foods that you added. Click on one and then click on delete on the right. I'm not having the problem with deleting them, but i cant add any more. I thought it would be…
  • If the shake fits into your macros, fit it in! Losing weight is all about living in a calorie deficit and patience. You can achieve a caloric deficit either with a good diet or a mediocre diet and hard training, but believe me the first one is a lot easier to achieve (having a bad diet cannot be outmatched by hard work…
  • Tomorrow is the most important exam since I started as a student about 3/4 of a year ago, but the LAKERS are playin. Gotta see them ball and rip the Spurs! Seems like it's gonna be a long night of studying for me after the game. PS: It's 10:40 PM where I live right now.
  • Any way to get this here in Europe without paying ridiculous amounts for shipping?
    in PB2 Comment by The__Deflator March 2013
  • I agree with the fact that the carbs on MFP are way up and protein too less in my opinion. In my experiences, the protein is "the macro" that keeps me away from hunger the most of the 3! So I changed my goals to 40/30/30 protein/carbs/fats. With that settings, I can eat just about 1800 calories a day (excercise calories…
  • For breakfast I usually mix 2 scoops of greek yoghurt, 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder and 1 tbsp peanut butter together and the put it in the microwave for 30 sec (might sound disgusting, "cooking" the yoghurt). Really delicious chocolate flavor right in the morning!
  • Yeah I feel quite the same. If my friends decide to go eating something, it's always unhealthy/fatty food. I'm then sitting right next to them, being like "no I'm not hungry, I just ate something...". It's getting even worse when they start partying, eventhough I've never been much into alcohol. But it's really tough to…
  • If I got the feeling that I need something to eat at nighttime (even if I'm not "hungry" at all) I'll just brush my teeth! After that, if I still feel to eat, I remember myself that I need to brush them again, what I dont want to :D
  • Finally find some people from Europe :D Eventhough it seems nobody is living in Austria :( Anyway, feel free to add me!
  • These "fat loss" programs are set to 50-60% of the max heart rate because in that's the area where, in percent, the most energy you receive is won out of your bodyfat. If your heart rate increases, that fat-percentage decreases and you're percentage of energy won out of carbs increases. However, higher heart rate -- > more…
  • Hello MFP-Users! I'm Michael, 19 years old and I'm living in Austria (not Australia ;)). I'm a 1st year engineer student. My goal is to just be fitter and more competitive in sports (but if losing weight is a result of it, why not?) Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • You should drink way more water/tee than the suggested 8 cups! It fills you up with no/less calories and helps to get all bad stuff out off your body! I'm currently trying to drink about 4 cups per 44 pounds of bodyweight (1l/20kg if you're on the metric system) + additionally 4 cups (1l) on the day I'm having some sort of…