

  • Whatever!!! You really need to do a longer more detailed post. I'm going into the third month and I feel like I'm one pound off, two pounds on some days. You looook so healthy and strong. I would never know it was the same person in both pictures. I hope I can make that happen too.
  • yay for this post. It seems like it takes soooo long to lose weight, but I would rather lose it slowly than have it all come racing back. Patience. Ugh!! I still feel guilty for not being hungry. Your pics look great, you look so happy, and I hope to see another progress picture soon. :)
  • You have a bad relationship with food. First, change what's in your kitchen. You can probably eat all the cucumber slices and sugar snap peas you want and not feel guilty at all. Drink lots of water. If you don't really like water, add a little lemon juice or orange juice. Next, change your mindset. You have to change how…
  • And I pretty much ignore the MFP goals. I use this:
  • No more than 20% less than your TDEE + 500; lower your loss to half a pound a week. It's good that you are asking the questions. No matter what you read here, keep doing research. I'm not breastfeeding (that was a long time ago), but I am eating way more calories than I ever dreamed I would on a diet, and I am losing…
  • You do look really good. I came here for inspiration, as I often do, and I got it. You just look gorgeous. My feet are telling me to go for a run. I really need to take a before pic right away!
  • Probably your body is reacting to the changes you've made. I cut way down from smoking (down to one or two a day now) and I gained some weight, not much, but yeah. Without knowing your history and only having limited knowledge myself, I would say look up the effects of quitting smoking on losing weight, research damaged…
  • I thought maybe you needed a pick me up, based on the title of this post, but I ended up getting one instead.
  • I'm so used to the 1980s high school idea of starving to lose weight that it was really hard for me to up my calories. This week, in fact, I was scared that I had eaten way too much. I would check MFP, see that I needed to consume X amount of calories, and then I'd go eat, thinking the whole time that this cannot be right.…
  • Listen to Pepperworm. She knows what's up.
  • I'm still just starting out. I"m about two months in, and this time (this is my third MFP attempt) I am really having fun with it. I send out maybe one or two friend requests every couple days or so, but I don't always have time to send requests to everybody I would want to add. I'm 41, I work out at home (mostly), and I…
  • You can go to r/progresspics on too. Lots of before/after there.
  • I have zero expertise in this area, but I'm going to give it a shot. I suggest starting off with a little stretching, then a warm up walk, then walk a lil faster...see how your body responds. If it's telling you to stop, find something else you can do if you are determined to get a work out in today. Feel better!
  • I had really neglected my health during college and while starting my career. I started (again) with MFP around the first of June. I have learned a lot of healthy tips here, and I feel so much better, almost like my younger self. I'm down a few pounds, and I learned how to work out and eat intelligently. Why don't they…
  • You are eating too few calories. Get your macros in line (carbs, protein, fat). Get your TDEE Ignore the goal MFP sets for you. It's probably too low. I was doing the same thing early on, and I also gained weight. Cardio is good, but you need a more strenuous…
  • Yes and yes. I didn't start losing weight until I started watching my TDEE. I quit paying attention to the MFP goal. I rarely go under that goal. Since I started eating my TDEE, I have lost two pounds in two weeks. I am purposely doing this slowly because every time I lose weight fast it comes back. Prior to eating my…
  • I really don't know why this calculator isn't standard on this site:
  • Maybe you should work some junk food in your diet. For instance, get the big bag of Doritos and some little snack baggies. Fill all the snack baggies and date them. Do the same with whatever your other favorite junk food is. Gradually decrease the amount of junk food in your daily snack allowance. It's okay to eat Doritos,…
  • I think if a lower weight is within your healthy weight range, you should go for it.
  • MFP is WAY too low on its calorie allowance. I'm almost sure there's a healthier tool out there, but the users here are cool. Check your TDEE at (there's several of these websites). Dieting doesn't have to be that painful. I'd rather lose weight slowly. When I lose weight by starving, the…
  • I had the same experience early on. I started researching. I found a bunch of good advice here. I learned about TDEE (google it), and I found Don't quit. Just regroup and find what works for you.
  • I just learned about circuit training and running intervals on So those plus yoga are my three right now. I see these bikers posting and that reminds me to get my bike out of the barn!
  • Definitely focus on what you can control. Do some research on eating healthy on a budget. You already know that eating to relieve stress just causes more stress, so I would suggest changing that mindset to finding comfort in exercise instead of food. I know it's easy to say, and I have to convince myself of it every single…
  • I had no idea this was even a thing. I would have thought it would be better to post "finished under her calorie goal" every day. I'm thinking now it would be better to break as close to even as possible in order to keep the muscle I'm building and to not lose too much fat too fast that I will just gain back. I'm trying to…
  • This thread makes me feel a lot better. I'm on my third week, and the scale went down and then back up again. I revised my diet and workout, so the scale is moving down a little again. Now I know to be very patient and not worry about the numbers so much. Seeing the pounds lost really makes me want to stick with this for…
  • I would say this idea would help jump start a diet, and I might try having a couple low calorie days here and there, especially if I'm not too active on those days. But, I have found through too much unfortunate experience that it is much better to find a diet that works for your life and your health needs that you can…
  • Hi everyone. I really enjoy reading everyone's posts. They help so much. I am my first week in on keto and daily yoga. Add me :). desireforjune on reddit, mostly lurking.
  • This is my third time on myfitnesspal. I always lose weight as long as I log in every day. I hope you do well on your journey. Add lots of friends. Their posts really help with motivation. Getting up out of the chair now to do the yoga I should have already done!
  • Add me. I am starting today, and it's so much easier with friends. desireforjune (reddit name) Really interested in keto to stave off diabetes risk.