
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    Just looked at your diary. This week you ate only 1000 cals/day. Up your calorie intake. This is about staying healthy, not just rushing toward a number on a scale. Take care!
  • isn't goat cheese dairy?

    Thought about mentioning it, but passed. At least it's protein.

    Someone always has to say it, right? No sense in actually helping... oh well. Yes, it is, but my trainer told me a bit of goat's cheese is better than cow's milk. I don't have any cow's milk dairy products.
  • Most days you barely eat 1000 calories.. just might be your issue. Also, dont do quick adds. And adding more protein will be beneficial.

    Thank you, I try not to do quick adds, but I work for a company that caters and had an antipasti lunch. Without being able to get nutritional content, I just took a guess. What do you think about protein shakes and such? A friend is a big fan of Jay Robb.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I peaked at your diary your way under calories most days and a lot of quick adds which could be high sodium items ..I did notice you stated you don't eat dairy but many of your choices do include that confused me a bit...I asked about the goats cheese because I eat Feta cheese myself and hadn't thought about it prior to seeing your post.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    isn't goat cheese dairy?

    Thought about mentioning it, but passed. At least it's protein.

    Someone always has to say it, right? No sense in actually helping... oh well. Yes, it is, but my trainer told me a bit of goat's cheese is better than cow's milk. I don't have any cow's milk dairy products.

    It wasn't about helping or not helping. You casually mention that you avoid dairy, but you have dairy products in your diary. Which is it?

    Anyway. It doesn't really matter. If you like dairy products, please, eat them. Full fat dairy should help you reach goal. If you just don't like them, then don't worry over it. :smile:
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    you need to read through the forum everyday. take a few minutes..and you'll learn a lot. like eating 1200 calories and exercising like you are.. will stall you flat.

    you are working hard..which is work smart.. EAT MORE and lose.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    You do not weigh your food consistently, and you are not logging everything you are eating (quick adds). Which means you are probably eating more than you think:

    And it's not surprising, at your activity level, that you would be hungry.

    Also, as a relatively lean person (if that's you in the profile pic), you are expecting a rather large loss compared to what's reasonable. The less weight you have to lose, the slower it will come off. Set a small, sensible deficit (no larger than 20% of your daily expenditure, and probably smaller), and track everything accurately. When you are aiming for a small deficit, inaccurate tracking can be the difference between a deficit and a surplus.
  • No plateau, haven't lost anything at all. I'm at 1200/day and have been at this for 4 weeks , the plan was to lose 2lbs per week, but nothing has happened.

    There's your problem.

    1200, or UNDER 1200 as you say, is NOT the magic number to weight loss. 2 lbs of loss a week is not realistic either, taking into consideration your weight and height. You DON'T have to restrict yourself so much to lose weight.

    Try this.

    Eat according to your activity level (which would be exercise x times a week) and you'll feel a world of difference.

    Just did that, it tells me I should be eating 1865 with my activity level daily, interesting!
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    No plateau, haven't lost anything at all. I'm at 1200/day and have been at this for 4 weeks , the plan was to lose 2lbs per week, but nothing has happened.

    There's your problem.

    1200, or UNDER 1200 as you say, is NOT the magic number to weight loss. 2 lbs of loss a week is not realistic either, taking into consideration your weight and height. You DON'T have to restrict yourself so much to lose weight.

    Try this.

    Eat according to your activity level (which would be exercise x times a week) and you'll feel a world of difference.

    Just did that, it tells me I should be eating 1865 with my activity level daily, interesting!

    Sounds about right!

    Eat that amount. Don't track your exercise calories or eat them back with this program. You'll still lose. :)

    I eat 2,100 according to my exercise and work routine. Been losing slowly, but consistently.
  • I peaked at your diary your way under calories most days and a lot of quick adds which could be high sodium items ..I did notice you stated you don't eat dairy but many of your choices do include that confused me a bit...I asked about the goats cheese because I eat Feta cheese myself and hadn't thought about it prior to seeing your post.

    I've been told Feta is good as well, I just don't do cow's milk. I eat a little goat, some sheep, but never cow. I have low blood pressure, so I do have more sodium that what this site recommends, but it's to keep from passing out in the middle of walking down the street!
  • ToddStanton
    ToddStanton Posts: 1 Member
    Do a little research on the "Set Point Theory".

    As much as we like to think that weight loss/weight gain is directly correlated to calories in vs calories out, in truth, the body has self regulating mechanisms. Over the short term, when the body senses a shortfall of energy/calories, it down regulates metabolism in order to maintain it's desired "set point". After a while, as long as it isn't experiencing a severe energy deficit, the body will recognize the new normal of your calorie intake and create a new "set point". Nobody is really sure how the body determines what its set point is but that's why weight loss or weight gain comes in series of hills and plateaus.

    I would also agree with others that severe under consumption of calories throws the body off and it goes in to a serious storage mode...meaning it will start sacrificing muscle and storing fat.
  • you need to read through the forum everyday. take a few minutes..and you'll learn a lot. like eating 1200 calories and exercising like you are.. will stall you flat.

    you are working hard..which is work smart.. EAT MORE and lose.

    I love you for that statement!!
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    1) as everyone else has told you, you need to up your calories. Regardless, it has only been a month. Not a lot happens the first month for lots of people.

    2) glycogen. You're retaining it.

    3) cut back on the cardio a little. Maybe subtract 1 cardio day and add 1 strength day. And keep the intensity up.

    4) you only have 18 pounds you want to lose and you're not overweight. 2 pounds a week is overly ambitious and will probably result in more muscle loss than fat loss. You don't want to lose more than .5 - 1 pound a week at your weight and size.

    5) I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're aiming for body recomposition (a little more lean, less fat), which means you need to set your macros for this goal. Protein at a minimum 1 g/lb lean body mass and fat at .35/lb body weight. I aim for 1 g/lb body weight in protein, and I've seen real results this year. I don't know your weight to give your gram estimates on this, but fix your macros. Fats and proteins are good. Carbs are too. Balance them.

    Hope that you are able to make movement over the next month.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    According to your ticker you only have 18lbs to lose. In that case your weekly goal should not be 2lbs but 0.5lbs. You are not eating nearly enough for the amount you have left to lose and the amount of activity you are doing.

    Looking at your diary you are eating far too little. You are starving your body but expecting it to respond the way you want it to. You need to fuel your body. With how little you are consuming you are losing muscle.
  • Listen to Pepperworm. She knows what's up.
  • I'm so used to the 1980s high school idea of starving to lose weight that it was really hard for me to up my calories. This week, in fact, I was scared that I had eaten way too much. I would check MFP, see that I needed to consume X amount of calories, and then I'd go eat, thinking the whole time that this cannot be right. But, I got on the scale this morning, and it was three pounds down! Of course, my scale goes up and down like a roller coaster. However, I have just had to retire a pair of pants this week and I think a couple of new blouses that are suddenly too roomy. I have done hours of research to see exactly what I need to be eating and how much, and I trust the science. I always love to recommend, but there are lots of really good websites out there. Have fun learning what works for you.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    I really need to go set my macros up properly...:)

    OP...good luck on your journey. ..everything that needs to be said has been said. These forums can be invaluable to the learning curve!
  • 1) as everyone else has told you, you need to up your calories. Regardless, it has only been a month. Not a lot happens the first month for lots of people.

    2) glycogen. You're retaining it.

    3) cut back on the cardio a little. Maybe subtract 1 cardio day and add 1 strength day. And keep the intensity up.

    4) you only have 18 pounds you want to lose and you're not overweight. 2 pounds a week is overly ambitious and will probably result in more muscle loss than fat loss. You don't want to lose more than .5 - 1 pound a week at your weight and size.

    5) I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're aiming for body recomposition (a little more lean, less fat), which means you need to set your macros for this goal. Protein at a minimum 1 g/lb lean body mass and fat at .35/lb body weight. I aim for 1 g/lb body weight in protein, and I've seen real results this year. I don't know your weight to give your gram estimates on this, but fix your macros. Fats and proteins are good. Carbs are too. Balance them.

    Hope that you are able to make movement over the next month.

    I'm at 136, my goal is 120
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I'm just losing my mind over here. I ran 5 miles 3x this week, lifted 2x, eating right and always staying under my calorie goal and STILL haven't lost even half a pound. What's going on here? Anyone else run into this trouble?

    If you're diary is accurate than your underrating and that will cause weight loss stall.

    eta: just read the other posts and see that everyone gave you the same advice-I'm a bit slow this morning lol.
  • Granted, I'm pretty new at this all, but if you're doing all that working out AND lifting, then you're def not eating enough. Also, if you're lifting, you're most likely building muscle, which technically weighs more than fat, so you might be slimming down without the numbers moving. I do understand that it's hard a lot of days to get the number of calories in you're supposed to after working out. It's damn hard, in fact.