I'm just losing my mind over here. I ran 5 miles 3x this week, lifted 2x, eating right and always staying under my calorie goal and STILL haven't lost even half a pound. What's going on here? Anyone else run into this trouble?


  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    The goal isn't to stay UNDER your calorie goal. It's to MEET your calorie goal.

    With a routine like that, what does your calorie goal look like?

    ETA: How long have you been at this? Doesn't look like very long. Give it time. Are you taking measurements? The scale will lie at times. Water retention happens. Weighing your food with a food scale so you're not underestimating food intake?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    How many calories are you eating? And what is your per week loss goal set at?
  • RubyRunner14
    RubyRunner14 Posts: 148 Member
    Yep. I usually do 6 mile run 3x and weight training 3x a week. I just finished my first 7 days of band camp, my TDEE was at least 3200 every day, I ate about 2200 - 2600 every day, and of course no weight loss. That's just how it works, I guess. Might be water retention, didn't ever go over sodium or anything, so I have no idea what's up. I've been on a bulking/cutting cycle, I'm on a cut until maybe August, then I'll start bulking again.

    One thing that really helped me was going Jillian Michaels tapes. I was fit enough so I did Six Week Six Pack 2 and 30 Dy Shred 2 back to back and the next day my love handles were shrunk. Of course after that, I tried Insanity the day after, less intense IMO and of course, no results.
  • n3verlettingmyselfgo
    n3verlettingmyselfgo Posts: 266 Member
    If you have already lost weight, it's possible you may be on a plateau. To help break plateau's, it's good to switch up your exercise routine and switch up your calorie intake (possibly eat slightly more and MEET your calorie goal) and someting else that works to, is that you eat slightly more for a couple of days, then go back to normal. Also, switch up the types of food you eat, not eating to much of the same thing everyday :)
  • emmacriswell
    No plateau, haven't lost anything at all. I'm at 1200/day and have been at this for 4 weeks , the plan was to lose 2lbs per week, but nothing has happened.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    If you have already lost weight, it's possible you may be on a plateau. To help break plateau's, it's good to switch up your exercise routine and switch up your calorie intake (possibly eat slightly more and MEET your calorie goal) and someting else that works to, is that you eat slightly more for a couple of days, then go back to normal. Also, switch up the types of food you eat, not eating to much of the same thing everyday :)


    A week or two with no loss does not a plateau make. People throw that word around way too much.

    I can eat the same menu every day (if I wanted to, which I don't) and still lose weight. So can anyone.

    It's not the food that would need a change up. The type of exercise, maybe, but I have no credible sources for that. Just going by what I've heard. Switching up your routine from month to month is supposed to help so your body doesn't get used to the same things...but again, that's just something I keep hearing. :smile:
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    What are you eating? Are you WEIGHING your food with a food scale and accurately logging your food intake?
  • imfullerthanu
    imfullerthanu Posts: 7 Member
    Are you on any medications? I plateaued for over a month due to a medication I was on. i stopped it and started dropping weight again.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    No plateau, haven't lost anything at all. I'm at 1200/day and have been at this for 4 weeks , the plan was to lose 2lbs per week, but nothing has happened.

    There's your problem.

    1200, or UNDER 1200 as you say, is NOT the magic number to weight loss. 2 lbs of loss a week is not realistic either, taking into consideration your weight and height. You DON'T have to restrict yourself so much to lose weight.

    Try this.

    Eat according to your activity level (which would be exercise x times a week) and you'll feel a world of difference.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    No plateau, haven't lost anything at all. I'm at 1200/day and have been at this for 4 weeks , the plan was to lose 2lbs per week, but nothing has happened.

    You are probably under eating and your goal is too aggressive. Set it at 1 lb per week and eat 50% of your exercise calories o. It will probably work out to be around 1700 total calories or a bit more. Also, adjust your macros to around 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fats.
  • n3verlettingmyselfgo
    n3verlettingmyselfgo Posts: 266 Member
    I know that only after a week it can't be a plateau, i did say that IF she had already been losing weight for weeks before this has happened then it MAY be a plateau.
  • emmacriswell
    What are you eating? Are you WEIGHING your food with a food scale and accurately logging your food intake?

    I am, everything is measured and/or weighed except for the occasional, planned dinner out. I'm eating the same cacao powder-almond milk-banana smoothie every morning. I have almond milk yogurt for a snack and sometimes homemade peanut butter on a slice of sprouted grain bread. Lunch is usually a sprouted grain wrap with turkey or chicken, salsa or cranberry chutney and goat cheese. Dinner is usually some sort of legume with veggies. Sometimes a small steak. I don't eat dairy at all. I also eat fruit throughout the day.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    What are you eating? Are you WEIGHING your food with a food scale and accurately logging your food intake?

    I am, everything is measured and/or weighed except for the occasional, planned dinner out. I'm eating the same cacao powder-almond milk-banana smoothie every morning. I have almond milk yogurt for a snack and sometimes homemade peanut butter on a slice of sprouted grain bread. Lunch is usually a sprouted grain wrap with turkey or chicken, salsa or cranberry chutney and goat cheese. Dinner is usually some sort of legume with veggies. Sometimes a small steak. I don't eat dairy at all. I also eat fruit throughout the day.

    It definitely doesn't sound like you eat enough.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    What are you eating? Are you WEIGHING your food with a food scale and accurately logging your food intake?

    I am, everything is measured and/or weighed except for the occasional, planned dinner out. I'm eating the same cacao powder-almond milk-banana smoothie every morning. I have almond milk yogurt for a snack and sometimes homemade peanut butter on a slice of sprouted grain bread. Lunch is usually a sprouted grain wrap with turkey or chicken, salsa or cranberry chutney and goat cheese. Dinner is usually some sort of legume with veggies. Sometimes a small steak. I don't eat dairy at all. I also eat fruit throughout the day.

    can you open your
  • emmacriswell
    No plateau, haven't lost anything at all. I'm at 1200/day and have been at this for 4 weeks , the plan was to lose 2lbs per week, but nothing has happened.

    There's your problem.

    1200, or UNDER 1200 as you say, is NOT the magic number to weight loss. 2 lbs of loss a week is not realistic either, taking into consideration your weight and height. You DON'T have to restrict yourself so much to lose weight.

    Try this.

    Eat according to your activity level (which would be exercise x times a week) and you'll feel a world of difference.

    Thank you, I'll look over my adjustments and macros. God will, something will happen.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    isn't goat cheese dairy?
  • emmacriswell
    What are you eating? Are you WEIGHING your food with a food scale and accurately logging your food intake?

    I am, everything is measured and/or weighed except for the occasional, planned dinner out. I'm eating the same cacao powder-almond milk-banana smoothie every morning. I have almond milk yogurt for a snack and sometimes homemade peanut butter on a slice of sprouted grain bread. Lunch is usually a sprouted grain wrap with turkey or chicken, salsa or cranberry chutney and goat cheese. Dinner is usually some sort of legume with veggies. Sometimes a small steak. I don't eat dairy at all. I also eat fruit throughout the day.

    can you open your

    Just did
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    isn't goat cheese dairy?

    Thought about mentioning it, but passed. At least it's protein.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Most days you barely eat 1000 calories.. just might be your issue. Also, dont do quick adds. And adding more protein will be beneficial.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    1. You're either way under-eating because some days you have a lot of calories left over.
    2. You're not logging everything and you're over-eating.

    I see some 'home made' and 'generic' food entries. Do you make these recipes yourself? Are you eyeballing 'generic' portions?