

  • Lovely
  • Good for you on your weight loss. This is a great website if you are faithful to entering your food. Help keeps me on the straight and narrow. :)
  • I am with you Shullrd. That is my dessert treat too! Satisfies my sweet tooth and also provides some calicum which is always good. :smile:
  • I have mine in the morning with 1/2 cup plain yogurt, 1/2 cup cottage and 1/2 cup blueberries. The blueberries are frozen so I nuk them a bit and add Splenda and cinnamon. I love it. Cottage cheese is also good with oranges or bananas sliced up in it.
  • Hi, Three of us at work just started 3 weeks ago. It helps us stay on track and support each other. It is a great help to be able to tract your food and see how fast it can add up. Hang in there. You will see weight loss soon. It helps to get some excerise in too.
  • Hi! I enjoy a snack around 8:00 so I have been having the Yopliat light yogurt in those desert flavors. They are only 100 calories and satisfy my sweet tooth and I also get calcium too. :)
    in HI! Comment by samurillo January 2011