Hello Every1

Hi everyone. Just wanted to check this out. I am beginning this journey, I am lucky I am not completely alone. 4 of my coworkers and myself are on a weightloss team! One week into it, they have lost weight and here i sit ummm still the same LOL so I know I need to work a little harder :P I love this site, just becuase I can track everything i have done and hold myself accoutable! Keep my butt on track cause I know I need it!!!!!!!!


  • wannabfit11
    Welcome!! I love this site also......you will find so much encouragement from everyone....Much Success to you!
  • samurillo
    Hi, Three of us at work just started 3 weeks ago. It helps us stay on track and support each other. It is a great help to be able to tract your food and see how fast it can add up. Hang in there. You will see weight loss soon. It helps to get some excerise in too.
  • erinjoy002
    erinjoy002 Posts: 55 Member
    Welcome! I am fairly new to the site too.. been on only a couple of weeks. Good Luck on your journey!
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    Welcome! We are doing a Biggest Loser type contest at work right now, about 20 of us signed up. :-)

    good luck!