cerenia Member


  • Ive not researched much into weights admittedly, and my strength isnt great long term, short bursts not that bad (apparently), so ideally building up is what I need to do, so I need to do less reps with more weight is better, rather than more reps with a lower weight? I shall give push ups against a counter a go as well :)…
  • Now, that would have been smart thinking! I'll go raid the recycling box, sure theres a couple of 1.25l empties in there, thanks :)
  • Thankyou for linking me to that, im on my tablet, and everytime I hit search, it logs me out, same as when I try to access my profile? I know Ive been given some good advice, but remember so many different opinions, I wasnt sure what was what, so had a refresher and this time, logged tips in my diet diary, so I won't need…
  • My TDEE -25% with light excercise is 1864 - i'll up cals a bit and give it a go, im hoping to drop 3 dress sizes by end of May, as im a bridesmaid in June - 3 stone would be nice, but if im toning, itll look like ive lost weight when I haven't. Ive found my diary from when I was losing weight last year, and was eating…
  • I can also relate - today's been another lightbulb day, i've cleared my old data and starting from scratch today - started with a 3mile walk, i've done it before, and I will do it again, we can all do it!!
  • Whats your salt content like? I've been under every day this week, but gained weight, and think I put it down to a meal I made the other day that had a couple of stockpots in, they're quite salty, which makes you retain water = weight gain.
  • I weigh daily to moniter body fat % and water levels, but try not to focus on the weight numbers :)
  • It is, but knowing you can do it is a push in itself, I still feel like "But its my day off, I want to just do nothinngggggg!", but just spending a few mins saying "If I do this, then I can have a reward of doing nothing for a while"
  • Thanks everyone ^^ Runtastic is currently downloading, going for another wander for a mile or so down to the local retail park in a little, so can test it out :D
  • Depression is what sent me off my wagon, I got put on tablets, and I forced myself to go out once a day non work related, even just walking to the local shop, and I enjoyed Cardio Boxing on the Kinect - Comfortable and safe at home, shielded from the world, and took it slow - the problem I had was I reacted badly to…
  • If you don't eat, your body will go into starvation mode anyway, not good, and it'll make you a lot worse, when I was eating 1200 and burning off about half of those a day, I was constantly tired, my skin looked dull dispite all the water I was drinking, and I was miserable not losing weight - back up to 1600 cals, and i…
  • 26, West Mids here as well :) Just jumped back on the wagon after a disaster 3 months off it :)
  • I'm from Shropshire as well ^^
    in Shropshire Comment by cerenia July 2013
  • The problem I have is that fruit and veg make me really ill - i've managed to build up to a little bit of real tomato juice mixed with food, orange juice, tomato soup and very fine bits of onions over the years - partly psychosymatic, partly physical owing to a childhood accident affecting my taste buds, i've tried…
  • My original goal was 30lbs by Christmas, lets take it further! Please add me :)
  • Sign me up please :)
  • Well, crossing fingers, my TDEE -20% set as low excercise is 1641, started off the day with 2 small slices of homemade wholemeal bread and a glass of water, so happy ^^
  • I'm doing Clefairy for MCM Expo May 2014 next ^^
  • I admit, the 1200 worked for me day to day, it was when I started excercising as well on top of usual walking around that it made me ill, so I moved up to 1600, and it partly worked, partly didn't. Working out my TDEE and excercise plan now :) Ready for this (again!)
  • My pattern last time was toast for brekkie, only 1 slice, lunch usually a sandwich, french fries as low fat and low cal, and a weightwatchers choccy bar, get home, excercise for an hour, then a larger meal at night, and it seemed to work for me, on some high excercise days, I would give myself a little treat, like a couple…
  • Thanks guys, my worst thing over the hot weather has been fizzy drinks, chocolate and ice cream... actually eaten it that much chocolate is getting boring to me... and thats a first! Cooking my last 'bad' meal - i'm a carb addict, and tidied my living room so can start excercise again, aiming for 2 - 3 stone by end of the…
  • I'm the same - had an accident as a kid which afected my taste buds, and ever since, I can't eat fruit a veg - to the point any will often make me sick (bar potato) - over the last few years, i've built up to having a little bit of onion in food like mince, and I try and drink high value tomato soup - I am building up…
  • I've only just myself started noticing the losses across my body - those who see me day in day out, don't notice as much either - I have dropped a bit clothing wise - and donated all my larger size comfy clothes to advoid temptation, but I got bought a dress at christmas, a size smaller, to work towards, and tried it on…
  • Heya, will add peeps as friends now, love to have more friends!
  • Thanks guys - i think I will got for a calorie increase as i'm starting to feel quite hungry during the day, and finding i'm getting home after work with only about 500 cals to eat, then having to excercise as well - generally finding i'm either ready to go OTT on toast in the morning (i'm a carb addict), or going to bed…
  • Sorry, im asking is it possible to be at a stage where 1270 can stop - that was with little excercise, wheras if I'm now excercising more, should I just eat back excercise calories burnt, or go for TDEE -30% and not eat back?
  • Gala Pinkie Pie on Saturday, then Sunday will be just a casual Pinkie - havn't cosplayed since 2009 either, so looking forward to it! My old cosplays are too big for me now :D
  • MCM Expo London - first one in 4 years, and a fiar bit lighter than I was :D