shawls1 Member


  • I'm back logging in every day, but I rarely, if ever, get on the message boards. I'm in East Central Illinois, but I grew up in Southern Illinois, was born in Northern Illinois, and went to college in the Chicago Suburbs. :-)
  • You aren't crazy. But.....having a net less than your BMR is NOT necessarily going to put you into starvation mode. Bottom line: to lose one pound a week, you need to burn 500 calories a day more than you consume. To lose 2 pounds, you need to burn an extra 1000 calories a day. For women, basically no one should go below…
  • Currently, most of my knitting is on hold -- I have a scarf I keep in the car for random "sitting around and waiting" moments. Why, you may ask? Well, my daughter is gearing up for the spring school theater production -- they are doing a children's musical version of Jack and the Beanstalk, and she is Jack's mom. She's…
  • Yes, and no. I've been knitting since I was 7, and sewing steadily since high school. I've always been hard to fit in one way or another, so for me, sewing was a way to have clothes that fit me properly, and were the color/style/etc., I wanted. I haven't made a lot of clothes for myself in quite some time, but I have been…
  • I knit. A lot. When I have time. I crochet sometimes, but my first love is knitting. I'm getting back in to sewing -- just haven't had time/inclination/need in a while. My daughter is in a production of "Bus Stop" and needed a vintage 1958 outer coat. I found a Burda pattern, and made my first serious clothing item in a…
  • Of course, we all have to agree on a definition of Southern Illinois! What I use: North of I-80 -- N. ILL I-80 down to I-74 (especially on the eastern side of the state): NorthCentral IL I-74 down to I-70 -- Central IL (and broken into East Central and West Central I-70 down to the state line: Southern Illinois. Of course,…
  • Hi! I'm Julie, and I've been knitting for....gosh! 40 years now! I love to do color work -- Fair Isle and Dale of Norway. My weight -- well, that's gotten out of control, particularly in the last couple years. I'm on sabbatical from teaching this semester, so I'm taking advantage of a low-stress semester to get my health…
  • Born in No. IL, but grew up in Herrin. LIving in East Central Illinois now, and I teach at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, IL.
  • if you go to the weight tracker check in, in small blue print below where you input measurements, it says "edit previous entries". If you click on that, one of the things you can change is your starting weight. That should make the tracker work for you now. HTH