Smokechic Member


  • wow, you look great! keep up the fantastic work.
  • Sounds like the bank was your family away from home. You were treated well and trusted all that were around you. When we were first getting married, my husband took a job with a company that within his first year, they decided to close that location. He made pretty good money and was offered a severance or could move.…
  • I think it all depends on what you consider a "cheat". When I know I am having family or friends over for dinner, I don't worry too much about paying attention but I make sure that I have fruits and vegetables and that the meal is healthy...maybe more than I would normally eat but still healthy. If there is dessert, I try…
  • This definitely isn't right. Your body is definitely talking to you! Are you getting all your vitamins? Maybe start supplementing with a multivitamin, at least until you figure out what you are missing in your diet. Are you exercising far more than usual? Are you cutting out carbs while doing this? There is so many factors…
  • Congratulations! That is fantastic! Keep up the great work.
  • If I had to guess why you are self sabotaging yourself, I would say that right now, with the help and support of feel secure. You know what you need to do everyday and its become routine. You may be fearing that big change to your routine and possibly fear not being able to do this without tracking your…
  • I have found that when I have a bad weekend, I do gain come Monday. When I get back on track it usually takes me 3-4 days to lose that (depending on if I exercised). Nothing to be too concerned about. You went back on track and things are back to normal...good for you, keep up the great work.
  • Don't give up....I just went through a plateau and it lasted between 3-4 weeks. Then all of a sudden, bam, I started losing again! It is frustrating. Just think, if you did give up, you would of gained and you didn't, that is HUGE! Stay positive and keep working hard. Losing 2 inches is phenomenal....celebrate that. Try…
  • Welcome to this site! This is a great start with the tools and support of others. Good luck on your journey.
  • Great job! Keep up all the hard work, you'll be there in no time!
  • With speaking to a trainer about this before...there is a general rule that everyone follows. Reality, every case is different. That being said, she had said that there is truly no "rule" to be followed. Everything depends on your routine and body. Basically, the best thing to follow is if your not hungry, don't eat. Do…
  • Multivitamins can definitely help. If you would rather not try to remember to take the vitamins everyday, load up on vegetables and water. They are packed with vitamins and will help with fatigue.
  • Welcome, this is a great site. Not only is it a great tool, there is so much motivation amongst the people on here. You are in the exact same boat as my husband. He started off at 292 pounds in the beginning of the year. After many years of wanting the weight loss, he has now made the decision to act upon it. It is the…
  • I did p90x for a while....a great program. He is definitely building muscles. He will soon see results if he hasn't already and will then realize the changes that are happening. I would definitely measure.
  • My husband and I just talked about this last night. He said he doesn't want to HAVE to log his calories for the rest of his life but feels it is necessary to do it for now. He is hoping that this will teach him how to portion and how to look at foods (good vs. bad). His initial goal is to lose 50 pounds. He feels that once…
  • I play softball on a co-ed team named Trainsmoke. So I came up with the screen name Smokechic (Trainsmoke girl!)
  • You could be in a plateau period. It will eventually catch up, if not this week, soon enough. 2 pounds a week is A LOT. That is great work but 1/2 pound to a pound is a healthy weight to lose weekly (this slow loss usually makes for the life change and less chance of regain). Don't just give it a week, give it a lifetime.
  • Don't give up, its not all about the scale. Its about how you feel and how fit you are getting. It has to feel great to know that YOU are getting out and exercising almost everyday. I'd bet that whatever exercise you are doing, it is far easier now than it was 3 weeks ago. I'm proud of you for making these life changes,…
  • Yes you can do this! This happens but whats important is getting right back to it. You gained a few pounds and you recognized it and doing something about it before it gets out of control....good for you. Keep your head held high and good luck to you, you got this!
  • When using your elliptical, do you enter your height and weight or just start using it. I went to the gym yesterday, I used the elliptical but did not enter any information. I changed the intensity up and down throughout the whole workout. I was on for at least 20 minutes and remember, the last I looked, seeing the calorie…
  • Absolutely. Log everything that goes into this mouth!
  • I agree with the above can control the meals with the family coming in. As for the workouts, maybe get up early and fit some in, even if its a shorter period than you would normally do. I think they would understand and be proud of the decisions you made. As for the work party, pick and choose what you put in…
  • Welcome all! I'm fairly new also....this is my 3rd week. I'm really liking this site, it keeps me accountable! Good luck on your journeys.
  • This is a really beautiful thing to read. Thanks for the pick me up!
  • My husband and I are doing this journey together and I was concerned about this same thing. They have a fitness center where he works and is friends with the trainer. He voiced my concern to her and she told him there is no minimum set caloric intake that necessarily needs to be followed. Especially if exercise burns some…
  • This is a great site...I think you will really enjoy it. Good luck!
  • Good for you guys....I love using this, it is a great support and it really does hold you accountable. Good luck guys!
  • A good rule of thumb is every week. Much more than that can make you fall off the wagon a bit. Much less can be hard if your seeing a little gain here and there or very little loss. That being said, it's really what your comfortable with. I personally weigh myself every morning (I'm not patient enough to wait the week to…
  • Assuming that you have already eaten a well balanced diet for the day and your not hungry then don't eat. There is no need to refill your belly just to meet your calories that you have burned. Deciding not to eat to lower your calorie count or not fueling your body with the proper foods is a definite no no! If this would…