GoTeamMeaghan Member


  • Amy's Mac & Cheese is one of the most delicious meals ever. Also love the Evol brand chicken quesadillas.
  • ^^ Basically this! I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 2011. I definitely do better when I have plenty of carbs (Van's Power Grains Frozen Waffles are a staple in my diet). I LOVE raw veggies...I can easily make a meal of them but they just don't agree with me. I actually had to make a strong effort to eat less veggies! It's…
  • After I had a really unusual break in my right foot, I was lucky enough to have a doctor that went the extra step and ordered a bone density scan. I was only 32 at the time but I also have Crohn's disease, which caused malabsorption of nutrients. It turned out that I had osteopenia...despite appearing to be a healthy,…
  • The probiotic will definitely help. Most yogurt is very low in lactose, so you might be able to try it with one of the lactaid pills or look for a soy long as it has active cultures. FYI...probiotics work best if you take them first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Have you tried a high potency probiotic? I have Crohn's disease and my GI doctor recommended Florajen 3 (make sure you get Florjen 3 and not Florajen). Amazon has it for $30 for 60 days worth. The trouble with antibiotics is they kill off both bad and good bacteria and a good probiotic will keep the good bacteria in…
  • I always try to save some calories for the evenings because I'm a habitual snacker too. Pop Secret 100 calorie Kettle corn microwave popcorn is a ton of food for very few calories...and it's salty and sweet...soooo good.
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17 (I'm now 33) and had never been on treatment other than birth control pills to regulate the hormones. I know there is sometimes an insulin resistant component to it as well but my IR level was always fine in blood tests. After lots of research, I found out the Metformin can help…
  • It took years for me to be diagnosed with Crohn's disease and IBS. Autoimmune disorders take a very long time to diagnose. I know you want to start feeling better right away, but I don't suggest making a lot of dietary changes until you have a diagnosis. The inflammation is horrible, but it's a lot easier to get a…
  • Update: I've been on Metformin for 6 days now and haven't had any of the GI side effects. The best part is I've lost 3 lbs!!!!!!!!
  • Thanks for the responses ladies! I think I'm not going to make any dietary changes for the first 2 weeks while I get used to the Metformin and if I'm having issues after that, then I'll try lowering the carbs. I'm bad about adjusting too many variables at once and not knowing what helped or hurt, so I'll work on one at a…
  • I have also struggled with this big time...doing great all day and then it's a free for all at about 11:00. Here's what works for me: 1. Plan some extra calories for an evening snack 2. Know your limits...if you can't stop at one portion, just don't have it around. You could also buy things in single serving packs or…
  • Just an FYI...go easy on the Brazil nuts... Health Risks from Excessive Selenium Chronically high intakes of the organic and inorganic forms of selenium have similar effects [6]. Early indicators of excess intake are a garlic odor in the breath and a metallic taste in the mouth. The most common clinical signs of…
  • bananas, eggs and anything acidic always want to come back for another visit with me :P
  • A whole pan of date and/or prune brownies = a whole lotta fiber...may not want to bring them on a car trip
  • I wish eating pbj for every meal was healthy...I could easily go a week straight consuming nothing but pbj would be awesome
  • I've always had peeling nails-I think it just happens with some people. Are you getting enough iron? I know iron can really affect your nails. Also try taking biotin vitamins...they're good for hair and nails.
  • If you want to eat 1,200 calories a day...have fun. I'm eating more like 1,800 and still losing weight.
  • I'm vegetarian but eat 155g of protein a day (was at 170+g a day but I just changed my macro %s). Feel free to check out my diary for ideas. FYI-didn't feel well Friday-Sunday, so my diary was either incomplete or crappy but everything else is fair game!
  • @GoTeamMeaghan
  • @GoTeamMeaghan I post food, fitness, fashion and my dogs
  • Stevia. I drink a gallon of water a day, but sometimes you just really want something with some flavor. I like the vitamin water zero because it's not too sweet and doesn't have artificial sweeteners.
  • a fan seems to make it feel better
  • Yep-everything is checked against the labels and I weigh everything, so I know the servings are accurate (at least on my end)
  • This is what I was thinking...try going to and click on body fat calculator. The online calculators aren't 100% accurate, but it's more practical/cheaper than getting hydrostatic body fat testing every couple of weeks.
  • A lot of people say the best ratio for burning fat is 30/45/25 carbs/protein/fat but I have trouble keeping my carbs that low, so I've had good luck with 35/40/25. It's really a lot of guess and check, but make sure you give yourself at least a few weeks to get used to a new ratio before you decide if it works or not
  • I use PlantFusion too-super easy on the stomach and the 2 lb tub is only about $30 on amazon.
  • I've been vegetarian for over 3 years and eat around 175g of protein a day and only 21g of that is protein powder. Feel free to check out my diary for ideas.
  • wow...I eat in the 30-40g range and that is a lot...80g is just crazy.