MrsJSF Member


  • You can read minds? I went through EXACTLY the same thing, lost a lot of weight very quickly and now the scale is stuck. I will give the scale away asap. Thank you for this. x
  • Thanks, I needed this today. I realize I've become a slave to the scale.
  • I love walking as well. I increased the frequency and speed. I also use the stationary bike.
  • One meal once a week - I indulge (within reason) and have dessert. This meal is on a weekend and it's lunch so I have the time to burn off calories later. Usually, I'm too full from the lunch to have dinner anyway. Also, gives me something to look forward to during the weekend when I'm watching what I eat.
  • Me! Me! Our diet is mostly Indian and have already lost 10lbs. Was more but a recent surgery and its diet set me back a few. Add me.
  • Thats excellent! Congratulations :)
  • Thanks everyone. Feels great to know we are all in this together. Wonderful motivation! Hugs
  • I'm also with you! I used to be THAT person. Then I turned into THIS person and I want to be THAT person again hence I'm here. Just turned 46 and want to, have to lose 20lbs (doctor's orders!). Nothing has worked for me before but a week or two on MFP and I've lost 9lbs! Here's to renewed US!
  • Hi there, I'm in the same boat as you and also have to lose 20lbs or so. I have lost 9lbs so far on MFP. My advice would be to try and eat protein with every meal and I can't stress the importance of logging every bite you eat. It really works with me. I do moderate exercise 6 x a week and try and stay under my calorie…
  • Thank you for sharing your story. Like you, I am also a non-creepy lurker and you have inspired me to not only be more active on MFP but also to keep going. I joined about a week ago and I have lost 4lbs (considering I celebrated my birthday (albeit semi-sensibly) that's pretty good I think :) However, I was feeling if the…