Just Joined!

I've decided I'm going to really do it this time. Done being this person, ready to be who I've always wanted to be! Who's with me?!


  • SkinnyB5050
    I completely agree!!
  • YesIAmMegan
    Awesome! It's hard to believe I've let this much of my life slip away from me without doing something like this!
  • MrsJSF
    MrsJSF Posts: 12 Member
    I'm also with you! I used to be THAT person. Then I turned into THIS person and I want to be THAT person again hence I'm here. Just turned 46 and want to, have to lose 20lbs (doctor's orders!). Nothing has worked for me before but a week or two on MFP and I've lost 9lbs! Here's to renewed US!
  • srm1960
    srm1960 Posts: 281 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome aboard!!! I"m new too-you can add me-the journey is life long-I am a WW twice life-timer-