JillLynnJohnston Member


  • Please don't eat Lean Cuisine. In my humble opinion, it is toxic garbage. Just the sodium alone makes it a NONhealthy food. Shoot for permanently changing the way you think about food, why you eat, what you eat, etc., and then go for the good stuff. This should include peeling, chopping, steaming, baking, etc. Before you…
  • I was started on 25 mcg of levothyroxine by a stand-in OB/GYN (could not get in to see mine) who wanted to "tweak" my thyroid since I was so fat. I went along with it, but it did absolutely nothing. That was about five years go. 225 pounds lost later, I have had extreme thinning of my hair and just saw an endocrinologist…
  • Laser - really? Never heard of that. Just kidding. I did electrolysis for two years then the spironolactone (off-label use). My budget does not include the expense of a laser or a breast augmentation, which I dream of after all this weight loss, or skin reduction surgeries so people will stop staring at my deflated legs…
  • Taking Lasix means one hour later, I have to stop my work, pee, then 10 minutes later again, 15 minutes pee again, 15 minutes later pee again, then maybe 20 minutes pee again, and my work/life are disrupted. It is awful and embarrassing and really affects my quality of life. Since losing 200 pounds, I am so "dry" that I…