Trying to do without Lasix after losing 200 pounds!

Okay, please do not tell me to drink more water. I will slosh. Do not tell me to reduce sodium - obvious. There is more than one reason for edema, and mine is chronic venous insufficiency. My legs have always been ugly, red, hemosiderin deposits, and now we can add deflated to that after losing all this weight. I EAT BEAUTIFULLY AND SET THE EXAMPLE FOR ALL PEOPLE! I run, I kick-box, I am responsible for every bite and so proud of myself. I was even able to get off CPAP! Although, there are different reasons for sleep apnea, I was one of the "lucky" ones - it was due to my weight.

I discussed with my doctor regarding getting off Lasix 40 mg in the morning and subsequently possibly in the future spironolactone 100 mg b.i.d. (not a misprint - high dose - not for CHF but for hirsutism). First - the Lasix. HATE BEING A PRISONER TO THE BATHROOM IN THE MORNING.

Stopped taking it Friday, gained 10 pounds and misery by Sunday. Look pregnant (hysterectomy - so that is not possible) and legs swelling, not face, not my hands. Lost all but about 3-1/2 pounds of this fluid, doing what I do - eating and drinking the right way and running, working out, etc.

HAS ANYBODY ON THE PLANET EVER STOPPED TAKING LASIX, GAVE THEIR BODY TIME TO ADJUST AND SUCCESSFULLY STAYED OFF OF IT? If you haven't, please do not advise, as above - don't tell me to drink more water or reduce sodium - DONE.


  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    My mom takes that, and I can tell you, without it, she'd die. She has pulmonary hypertension, so the water weight is extra bad for her. Recently, things with her Medicaid got messed up, (she's on disability), and she was unable to get her meds, any of them. She gained 37 lbs in under 3 weeks time from not having her lasix... If you need it, you shouldn't stop it. Why would you want to?
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    Lasix improves kidney filtration, allowing more fluid to exit the body than would normally be possible at baseline function. It may be possible that you can come off Lasix eventually, but you need to 1) team up with your doctor to TAPER off and 2) realize that over the years you were overweight, you may have irreversibly damaged your kidneys....meaning you may NEVER be able to fully come off. It is what it is, sometimes. That's not being said to discourage you, but that it just may be a reality...kinda like excess skin.

    Ironically, as you taper down, you may actually have to increase your water intake, since increased intake is what triggers the kidneys (hormonally) to excrete more fluid in "normal" people. If you expect your kidneys to function like normal, you have to treat them the way the rest of us do...just understand that may not actually be possible for you at this point.

    Talking to your doctor about this is VERY important! That excess water isn't just making your legs swell. It's putting a huge strain on your heart. So thin or not, you can't let it build up. Good luck! Congrats on all your hard work and success! I very much hope you CAN get off all your meds!

    PS- Laser will fix the hirsutism, and not be so tough on your liver as Spironolactone....unfortunately, your insurance won't pay for it.
  • JillLynnJohnston
    JillLynnJohnston Posts: 6 Member
    Taking Lasix means one hour later, I have to stop my work, pee, then 10 minutes later again, 15 minutes pee again, 15 minutes later pee again, then maybe 20 minutes pee again, and my work/life are disrupted. It is awful and embarrassing and really affects my quality of life. Since losing 200 pounds, I am so "dry" that I have nearly passed out several times. Decreasing the dose means I swell, so my doc and I decided I could just stop. I am waiting on a call from him, but honestly he is pretty clueless since very few patients EVER lose this much weight on their own.....
  • JillLynnJohnston
    JillLynnJohnston Posts: 6 Member
    Laser - really? Never heard of that. Just kidding. I did electrolysis for two years then the spironolactone (off-label use). My budget does not include the expense of a laser or a breast augmentation, which I dream of after all this weight loss, or skin reduction surgeries so people will stop staring at my deflated legs (they are strong and beautiful when I lie down - from running, cycling, kick-boxing). I will actually say HI! to people who are stuck staring at my legs so that they are forced to look away from my legs and up at my smiling face!
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Laser - really? Never heard of that. Just kidding. I did electrolysis for two years then the spironolactone (off-label use). My budget does not include the expense of a laser or a breast augmentation, which I dream of after all this weight loss, or skin reduction surgeries so people will stop staring at my deflated legs (they are strong and beautiful when I lie down - from running, cycling, kick-boxing). I will actually say HI! to people who are stuck staring at my legs so that they are forced to look away from my legs and up at my smiling face!

    There;s also a topical specifically for female hirsutism called Vaniqa or Efflora (brand names - the drug name is Eflornithine) that slows new hair growth.
  • kendrasparrow85
    I know this post is older but I too am prisoner to the lasix I have oliguria and when I stop I gain everything back I'm taking 5 pounds over night and the longer I go the more weight. Low sodium and more water won't help me. I'm tired of the bathroom but my doctor says it's this or the water weight
  • lm317537
    lm317537 Posts: 1
    Hi there- I am a producer on The Doctors TV show. Doing a story on Lasix for weight loss and would love for you to share your story. We can keep you anonymous if needed. We tape in Los Angeles CA and can fly you out here to be on our program. Please contact me asap. Thank you!