bubbinsnik Member


  • No advice or "bashing" from me but I will say this... ...MFP has led me to learn about and from my body, I fight the urge to do a crazy fad, quick loss way of weight loss almost every week but I have done this before and it is not sustainable. This is the longest I have ever stuck at a weight loss journey and I know that…
  • Meringue nests. 50 cal, really sweet - does the trick for me!
  • Well done! You are doing great.
  • I weighed myself and was 198lbs. I couldn't believe that I was nearly 200lbs and I'd let it happen, I had to sort it out. Down to 182lbs now and still going strong.
  • I'm 17th May 2014! :)
  • I'm a bride to be as well, we are getting married May 2014. I hope to be at goal weight by late summer so I am happy while trying on wedding dresses :) Add me to any bride to be groups please! x
  • I have been one of those women. The reason they don't lose any (substantial) weight is because it's a diet, something they will do for now and then go back to their previous eating habits. I've definitely done it, you name it, Weight Watchers, Biggest Loser, Slimming World..... But now on MFP I'm not on a diet I'm changing…
  • I would say that habit and repetition is key. At the moment your 2 week cycle is to be on-wagon, off-wagon but I've found that replacing your binge cycle (definitely have experienced this myself) with a cycle of logging everything you eat this will eventually become your habit. I start MFP in January but had lost a little…
  • You are doing fantastically well. Well done! I can really see changes between the two photos especially in your face and on your stomach. Awesome work :)
  • Eat more. Have a little of what you fancy. Double the size of your salad. You are making good choices, just choose to have more as well. As long as you are hitting or just below calories and macros each day then you're on the right track. :)
  • Two small victories for me today. I had a salad for dinner and I NEVER have a salad for dinner. It was delicious. And I feel thinner. Just feel better and thinner :)
  • She did start talking about eating healthier and exercising so I guess I saw my window to start jabbering on about calories and whatever else. Think I may have continued longer than was expected! Haha. Lesson learned. Weighing stuff out annoys my other half but he's supportive for the most part - he did ask me the other…
  • I'm 5' 5.5'' and my goal weight is 147lbs, I'm currently 188lbs and cannot remember being any less than 159lbs so not sure how I'll look. I have a really big head though so will probably need to re-evaluate later on! :)
  • That's fantastic! Well done you. :)
  • If you get a slow cooker you can make curries, casseroles, stews and spaghetti bolognaise (cooking the pasta later) while you are at work. Chop up the veggies, brown off the meat in a pan first, add tomatoes or stock and herbs then turn it on before you go to work. It'll cook while you are there and be hot when you get in.…
  • Thanks guys. I'm not at the stage where clothes are falling off or even baggy on me but it's nice to know others who are a little further ahead on their journey have gone through the same questioning! :)