A fluke?

Hi all,

Just wondering when everyone started to "believe" their weight loss and didn't think it was a fluke that they lost x amount of lbs each week.
I've lost 10lbs since October and been using MFP solidly for 3/4 weeks, in the last 2 weeks I've lost an lb per week and hope to continue at this pace.

But when does it start to feel real? When did you get the "I'm doing it, i'm doing it!" feeling?

Just curious really.

Nik x


  • kumanekochan
    kumanekochan Posts: 88 Member
    I'd love to know too, because it doesn't always feel real, but i just have to believe that i'm changing and my body will change with me
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    It became reality when I had to get rid of clothes and belts that were too big.

    I used to be a lot thinner.

    It start to feel "real" when you overcome the first plateau.

    I am on another plateau and am working on making adjustments to overcome it.
  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    I like the NSV (non scale victories). Feeling clothes getting looser and also I never before have stuck to a diet, on my own. I put it all down to MFP, I love the community, support, threads and it keeps me on track. I am on week 5 and I am starting to really believe I can do this ! Good luck !
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Mentally, I still haven't caught up. I'm aware clothes fit differently and that I wear a different size, but I still just see the same fat areas I did before. I would wait a week before logging any scale change because I was afraid it was 'just water weight' or 'I was wearing lighter clothes that day'. And here I am 42lbs lighter and the scale isn't budging and I just wish I could see some of those changes, even if they were fake. XD
  • lyrical_melody
    lyrical_melody Posts: 242 Member
    It became real for me in this order.

    1. Someone commented on my weight loss. ( I had lost about 5 pounds here)
    2. My boyfriend said he could feel me getting smaller (5-8 pounds here)
    3. When my pants starting constantly falling off
    4. When I hit the 10pound mark

    #4 was the biggest for me because I have never lost that much weight in my life! I've lost 4-5 pounds before, but always gained it back and to get into the double digits really got me going and motiviated and thinking wow, im really LOSING WEIGHT! :)

    Good luck and I hope you find your moments!
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 425 Member
    Mine still doesn't feel real. I have to take new pictures and place them side by side with a "before" picture to really see it. I was a "fat girl" for so long...she still hangs around mentally unfortunately. Just know that everyday you log, exercise, stay under calories, etc. you ARE doing it. Your weight loss may slow down a bit eventually, but never give up. You're taking control of your health and working toward your goal. Congratulations on your success so far and keep it up :)
  • bubbinsnik
    bubbinsnik Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks guys. I'm not at the stage where clothes are falling off or even baggy on me but it's nice to know others who are a little further ahead on their journey have gone through the same questioning!

  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I;ve got that "I'm doing this!" feeling already, and I haven't lost diddly-squat in 6 weeks (gaining and losing same 3 pounds the whole time). But I've overcome my worst habit (mostly), and I'm logging semi-consistently, which makes me feel good.