hopeflu Member


  • Thank you!
  • Just for today: Believe.
  • Hi. I have the exact same story as you. In 2004 my Grandmother died and then a few months my father died from cancer. Only knew dad had cancer for 3 months! He was supposed to marry my hubby and I the next year (he was a pastor). Before all that, I had lost 30kg's (60 pounds I think). After that... I picked it all up and…
  • The main reason: My 6 year old son and his friends making small comments.My son is so lovely that he says things like 'Mommy, I won't call you fat because it will hurt your heart'. Also tired of being conscious of being big and 'different'.... especially as I have moved to France and most people here are slim and petite.
  • I totally understand! I eat really well and then a bad day comes along and I just can't help myself eating badly to comfort eat. Ally: I find it very hard to just choose physical hunger. After most of my life I can remember comfort eating, it is almost impossible to just say 'oh, it's emotional hunger so I am not going to…