what got you motivated to lose weight?



  • ultrafishboy
    ultrafishboy Posts: 63 Member
    Being offered the tools and support of MFP. This is doable!
  • bekim123
    bekim123 Posts: 391 Member
    I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a couple of years ago. I had it under control early on, but had been watching my blood sugar levels start going up. That was reason #1, didn't want to increase/add medicine to get the blood sugar levels back in line. Second reason is that all of my size 40 pants were starting to get tight, so rather than start buying the next size, I decided to stop slowly killing myself and get serious about getting healthy. Happy to say now my size 40 pants are a little loose.
  • evastria
    evastria Posts: 30 Member
    Same as a lot of the previous posters. Found I was outgrowing my clothes, feeling bigger than ever (and I am!). Realising that sitting in with my partner eating a tonne of junk food 4 nights a week IS something I love doing, but the thing I love about it was the company and I wasn't really enjoying the junk.

    Now we run together, swim together, go to the gym together and encourage each other. I still each everything I used to but not a load of it, so I've been buying chocolate/crisps etc as and when I want them, and keep fruit and yoghurt in the flat to snack on.

    Weirdly, eating much less of my favourite food has made me realise how nice having a treat is!

    Also, a big thanks to the myfitnesspal community. Having lurked on the message boards for a while before starting this journey I felt the support here, and new I could do this if I have this entire community to answer to!
  • hopeflu
    hopeflu Posts: 6 Member
    The main reason: My 6 year old son and his friends making small comments.My son is so lovely that he says things like 'Mommy, I won't call you fat because it will hurt your heart'.

    Also tired of being conscious of being big and 'different'.... especially as I have moved to France and most people here are slim and petite.
  • ranks39
    ranks39 Posts: 14
    Well, first off, I donate plasma so I have to be weighed each time I donate(twice per week) and when I saw the scale start to go up and up and up that was kind of disheartening. Secondly, this is the strange part....I was watching "How I met your mother" and saw Neil Patrick Harris and thought to myself, there's no reason I can't have a defined body....so, I started exercising and eating better! Strange story...
  • sp1nn3r86
    sp1nn3r86 Posts: 15
    Honestly? An episode of supersize vs super skinny. I started watching the shows and realised that.all the habits the overweight people did, I did. Like snacking late at night and eating stuff just to well, eat the stuff. I would get up at like 2am and make a meal. and i realised that that's not normal. And the part of the episode where they take the larger person to the USA and meet a very large person with the most ridiculous health issues. I just was watching one day and thought to myself (while eating a bag of chips mind u) it's not gonna be me.

    Motivation to keep going with the weight loss? I'm getting married and don't want to wear a plus size wedding dress. I wanna look how I feel on the inside on my wedding day!
  • wonderbeard101
    wonderbeard101 Posts: 75 Member
    Anger. I was mad at myself for a long time for not making the changes that I so badly wanted. The two things that took it over the tipping point were 1) my dad getting sick and 2) seeing pictures of myself and my chins out with my friends.
  • I was tired of not feeling well and I was sure most of it was do to weight gain. I didn't have the energy to be active with the family and I hated being on the side lines watching and one thing I really miss is being able to tuck a shirt in and feel good about it. That is my goal. Looking good with a shirt tucked in!

    ^this^ - can't remember the last time I wore a shirt tucked in!
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    My largest pair of jeans were getting tight and I said..."Hell NO" and started counting calories and exercising. So far I'm down 26 pounds and feel sooooo much better about myself. I have more energy and my clothes fit and look better :-) Don't give up!
  • Dedshot
    Dedshot Posts: 145
    Originally, to look better for the summer and shove it into someone's face. Then I realized I really liked lifting heavy. Makes me feel and look like a superhero. Or supervillain ;)
  • vatances
    vatances Posts: 20 Member
    I went to a religious gathering with my family, including my 16 year old sister who just made cheer, and my 23 year old sister who is about 100 pounds...

    I want to have fun going out again.
  • cloverfield4
    cloverfield4 Posts: 52 Member
    1) Bending over to tie my shoes was getting harder to do...
    2) I have a closetful of pre-pregnancy clothes that I want to wear again! (And I can't afford to buy a whole new wardrobe)
    3) Want to set a better example for my children (and spouse)
    4) Want to look good for my spouse
    5) Don't want to be out of breath after a few flights of stairs
    6) I want to find my physical limits and push past them, I'm not sure what all I'm capable of doing, but I want to find out!
    7) Better health; Type 2 runs in my family and it's all due to eating/exercising habits (the habits I grew up with and am currently addressing!)
    8) Eh, some jealousy of my thinner mama friends. Yeah, it's gross, but if it gets my a** off the couch to go to the gym when none of the above reasons are working, then I'll go with it. :wink:
  • turonj
    turonj Posts: 2
    My motivation is that I am back dating again. The type of person I want to be is honest and honestly I want to be outgoing and do stuff like camping and fishing. go on Roller Coaster rides and Go-Karts. Go for Long Walks on the beach. In order to do these activities and meet the type of woman that also enjoys these activities I need to lose weight.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I never felt motivated to lose weight due to being self conscious of my body because I've always been quite comfortable in my own skin. My motivation kicked in when my body turned against me and I could no longer do the things I loved to do.... Another motivator for me was clothing.. not that I wanted to look better in my clothes.. but that I wanted to be able to FIND CLOTHES.. at 360 pounds, I had even grown out of most Lane Bryant clothes and that was a wake up call for me.
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    I have a few reasons:

    1 - My kids, I want to set a good example and I want to be around a very long time
    2 - I want to feel good and look good
    3 - I want to be able to wear skinny jeans
    4- I'm newly single and a full time mom to 3 kids
    5 - Not important but a bonus - I can have the confidence knowing I look good and knowing my ex knows it :-) again not important but a big bonus.
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    Looking at my family history and seeing the majority of what health problems my family has made me change. I also lost 65 lbs on WW before and I know I can do it. Just getting motivated to do it is the problem.
  • To be honest? What got me motivated was that I was worried I wouldn't be able to find a boyfriend because I was fat.
    But now I realise how stupid that is, someone should love you for your personality not your size.
    But now i'm losing weight for ME. if you cant love yourself, no one else can. :) x

  • 5 - Not important but a bonus - I can have the confidence knowing I look good and knowing my ex knows it :-) again not important but a big bonus.

    this one too! im a a newly single mum too. and I want my ex to realise what he lost lol.
    i'm so mean but oh well.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I have lost weight in 2 waves with very different motivations.

    2008-2012 the first go-round (from 307 to around 270 lb) I was motivated mainly by fear re: health. I had never been that big before and for the first time in my life I was having weight related issues like swollen ankles, shortness of breath, heavier periods, increased frequency of migraines, etc. Also, I HATED the way I looked in photos (like "THAT is not me!" kind of feeling)...I knew I had to get back to where I'd felt more comfortable. I went to the doctor and had excellent blood work and was normal on all of the other tests but I knew it was only a matter of time before I could experience serious health problems if my weight stayed over 300.

    2013-present is my second wave (262 lb to 187 lb currently) and this time I've just been motivated by somewhat more trivial things like vanity and being somewhat competitive. Keeping up with my friends and husband who are getting healthier and losing weight. I've never been one to be outdone ;-) Wanting to feel cuter in stylish clothes. Wanting to like my body better. And honestly the accomplishment of my smaller goals along the way.
  • x