

  • I've used runkeeper for a while. VERY easy to use but I recently switched to Endomondo b/c it syncs with MFP. I haven't used runtastic. I will tell you so far, Endomondo is too cumbersome to exit out of (will stay active even if you close out the app). It is too many steps just to manually enter workouts. Runkeeper just…
  • Good luck to you! I too have been trying to lose about 20lbs. My daughter is 6 so I am another one that can no longer use the "baby weight" excuse (which I do quite often). I am an otherwise active person. I run, walk, bike, everything. My problem is 1) diet and 2) being consistent. I start and stop. In 2008, I was 8lbs…
  • Hi, I have Wii Fit Plus, Active More Workouts and recently rec'd Active 2. I think I get a pretty decent workout with the Active's. I wouldn't say it's a gym replacement but I'm not able to go to a gym (mall child at home and $$) and this works fine for my needed amount of activity. You will break a sweat if that's what…