

  • I like Snack a Jacks, especially the caramel flavour when I want something sweet, when I'm dying for a bag of crisps (my downfall) I choice their salt and vinegar flavour. I also freeze grapes, they are like boiled sweets, but better for you!
  • Hi. My daily calorie allowance is 1330. I'm only looking to loose around a stone. According to my ideal weight I should weigh at most, 3 stone lighter than I do now. Personally, I think I would look ill at 9 stone! Weight is such a personal issue. I just want to look good for my 40th, I like being curvy. Good luck, and…
  • Hi and welcome to MFP. I discovered the iPod application in December and joined up in January (as you do!) I turn 40 this year and I was lucky to met someone really special 2 years ago. We are both trying to loose a good few pounds, but it can be hard at times, with kids and work, so I know how you feel. This site is fab,…
  • Welcome, this is a fab website. Like most of us, January is the month for making resolutions, but I agree with you, it's a life style change. I start every year with good intentions, do really well for the majority of the year, then slip up, normally after my summer hol. On the up side, I was still lighter than I was last…
  • Hi. I suppose it depends on how you feel. I used to weigh myself weekly, however, its now about once a fortnight. I don't want to get too hung up on the numbers on the scales, I just want my clothes to look better on me than on the hanger. Good luck.
  • Hi, I have the same trouble too. I hate water, but then I only have about 4 cups of tea a day and a small glass of fresh Orange juice. The most I have managed is 3 glasses a day, so I must try harder. Having read other posts, I will try squeezing some Lemon juice into it to see if that helps. Good luck. :drinker:
  • Like all the other comments, welcome. I found the app on my ipod and was very impressed, then thought I'd have a look on the website. What more can I say other than WOW. Happy dieting hun. x
  • Welcome :-)
    in Newbie Comment by gillybt January 2011
  • Hi and welcome. I joined at the start of January. I work part time and have two kids aged 16 and 9. After the usual Christmas indulgence, good job it's only once a year I felt I needed to start afresh. I do feel motivated to loose some more weight. I will be 40 this year, and although I will never be slim, I aim to loose a…