

  • i need to lose 15lbs. you can add me.
  • Kruse117, Hi! Question on the food intake. Are sugary fruits something I should stay away from? I'm on my 7th day and not seeing much result!! I'm 5'5", 141lbs and size 6. I've follow the plan exactly how it said but the only exception is that I snack on sugary fruits like watermelon, mangos, cherries and peaches instead…
  • My friend just told me that you can get the Shirataki noodles, which i think is is miracle noodles, at Farmer's market in the frozen food area. Sprout is where she got them from. Whole food might have them too.
  • Now I'm curious!! Where can I find this noodles?
  • I'm 5'5.8" started at 152lbs this time last year... founded MFP along the way, losed 12lbs by June but didn't really loose the body fat till I starting trianing for half marathons. Went from size 6/8 in June to 4 now and still haven't lose any more weight. I'm still at 140lbs, it's weird!!I Friend me if you want. My…
  • I ran my first half in Maui back in September and beat my own training PR and beat my time again at the Dallas White Rock this month. I found this training plan from Runner World "First Half Marathon Training Plan". I think is a great trianing tool. Here's the website. Good luck and congratulation!…
  • I too suggest keeping it light on the food intake. You don't want to eat something heavy so you can close deficit gap. Your stomach won't appreciate it. I've been there and done it and I tell ya, it doesn't feel good. Drink your protein shake, add fruits and nuts and/or almond butter to it to make up the calories. Great…
  • Most of the time you can safely say that 100 per mile doesn't matter how fast or slow you. I Also recommend getting some kind of heart rate monitor with calorie counter. It's more accurate...
  • Hi! I have the same problem with I first started my training for a half. I think my soreness/pain come from running up/down hills. I think try to control/strain my movement too much. My co-worker, a personal trainer, written a weight training program for me to do on top of my run. He added a ankle rotation workout for…
  • Wow, you swept me off my feet Cowboy!!! Your Cowgirl is out there waiting for you, you'll find her soon.
  • I'm running my first half marathon in September. I found this training program on, they have a few free plans that you can follow. It's pretty awesome! It teaches you the tempo/pace/LSD run and all that stuffs. Check it out! I've just finish my 4th week of training and didn't kill myself on the 10 miles…
  • Is it too late to join? I've just found the challenge. weight:143 Goal: 130 Finish a half marathon in Mid September.