"Miracle noodles?"



  • kashmirkat
    kashmirkat Posts: 31 Member
    Where can you get them in the U.S

    I buy them at Asian markets here in the states, but some grocery stores have them or they can be ordered online - even amazon has them - but there also asian online grocery sites etc :)
  • h0m36r0wn
    Tried them - not a huge fan... a little fishy smelling. I bought two 'bags' in the organic section of my supermarket. I'll try to rince more, soak in milk, and throw in a pan to see if it improves anything. Thanks for the suggestions!
  • mjbrenner
    mjbrenner Posts: 222 Member
    Miracle Noodles is a brand name of shirataki noodles. Shirataki are noodles made entirely from glucomannan, a soluble fiber. They have no calories and no net carbs, which makes them pretty amazing, no matter if you are under a caloric restriction diet or a carb restriction diet. There is another variety of shirataki noodle that adds tofu, and thus a handful of calories, as well.

    Shirataki noodles come in a liquid-filled pouch. When you first open the pouch, it smells awful. Ignore that smell. If you rinse the noodles very well for a few minutes under running water, you can get rid of most of it. Heating the noodles in the microwave or in a pot if boiling water for another two minutes will kill the odor completely. This whole process takes less time than cooking normal pasta.

    I like to add the noodles to stir-fries. I haven't tried them Italian style yet, but they seem to work better in baked pasta dishes from what I can tell. The noodles themselves have no flavor and a very chewy texture. They feel much more firm than a typical pasta, but the difference isn't huge.

    It's worth nothing that unless you already eat a good deal of soluble fiber in your diet, you might experience some gassy consequences to eating the noodles. This is not bad - it's just the healthy bacteria in your digestive system throwing a party because you are finally giving them the nutrients they need to help you be healthy.
  • LastChanceForMe
    They are not like pasta noodles. They are more like the noodles you'd get in Top Ramen. It is a matter of taste if you like or don't like them.
  • HotSoupGirl
    I love em'. But I didn't until I got the right recipe. This isn't the lightest recipe on earth, but it's a great "intro to shiritaki".

    Also get the Tofu Shiritaki noodles. They are a little less "rubbery" and only a few more calories.

    1. Get two bags of noodles(I like the angel hair, but that's a personal preference)
    2. Rinse those noodles for a good 2-3 minutes they'll feel less slimy and a little stickier. You can't really over-rinse these guys.
    3. Make a stack of like 10 paper towels. Actual I usually make mine 2 towels wide by 5 towels thick. Put your washed noodles on and roll the whole thing up to get as much water out as you can. Let it sit.
    4. In a frying pan saute a few pieces of bacon(2-3 pieces) until it gives all it's love.
    5. Saute a shallot or some garlic in the bacon grease until it softens.
    6. Take the noodles out of the towels. Cut them into 2-3 inch pieces with sciscors. This will help them not seem so "rubbery".
    7. Saute the noodles for 4-5 minutes to help the noodles dehydrate a little more and really get the smokey/garlicy goodness.
    8. Add some speghetti sauce
    9. Top with the chopped up bacon!


  • maniv01
    maniv01 Posts: 12
    My friend just told me that you can get the Shirataki noodles, which i think is is miracle noodles, at Farmer's market in the frozen food area. Sprout is where she got them from. Whole food might have them too.
  • Menene
    Menene Posts: 121 Member
    I buy them at Publix Grocery. I like them but like stated rinse them well and they are a little chewy
  • humezaki
    You can get them at any japanese market for a lot cheaper. They are called shirataki noodles.
  • radicalreader
    radicalreader Posts: 207 Member
    I tried them in a hungry girl recipe.

    I didn't mind the smell at all (I like the smell of fish), but I couldn't get past the texture. It was like eating slimy, chewy, rubber bands. Chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp, swallow, gag. I managed to get down the first bite, but had to spit out the second bite and dump the entire recipe in the trash. And I'm not a picky eater. There are very few foods that I physically can not eat without gagging.
  • artcaro1972
    does anyone know if this is just a US thing? am in UK...


    They ship to the UK. I buy mine from Amazon.com, so you might check there as well.

    I'm in the UK as well. They sell them on their site in 10-packs which is a bit much to just try them. Amazon.co.uk has them in a 6-pack for £15 so I ordered from there. They are pricey! those are small single-serve packs. Might be worth a trip to China Town if you're near London!
  • aling01
    aling01 Posts: 163
    They taste good to me. If you don't boil them in water, it does have a jellyfish like texture which I like. My mom and bf didn't notice any difference when I made it for them. I also bought miracle rice to make fried rice and used Braggs amino liquid in place of soy sauce and my younger sister liked it a lot. And she's a picky eater.

    All I can say is buy one and try it. Some people like it, some don't so you can't really go off of what people say to make your decision.
  • nikicrin
    nikicrin Posts: 40 Member
    does anyone know if this is just a US thing? am in UK...


    They ship to the UK. I buy mine from Amazon.com, so you might check there as well.

    I'm in the UK as well. They sell them on their site in 10-packs which is a bit much to just try them. Amazon.co.uk has them in a 6-pack for £15 so I ordered from there. They are pricey! those are small single-serve packs. Might be worth a trip to China Town if you're near London!

    Thank you both!! Gonna try our Chinatown here in Liverpool if not il try amazon!!

  • lawson305
    lawson305 Posts: 103
    I generally avoid anything "Miracle" - whip included - to me it's advertising and another quick fix. It's like low-fat peanut butter - generally I'm just cautious and might be missing out.
  • littleblackdress24
    I totally understand your concern! I did some research and Shirataki noodles have been around for about 1200 years, so it's certainly not a new fad. They are delicious and worth a try!

    Best of luck!

  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    are they available @ a store or only online
  • HCG2012Love
    Buy them on Amazon... they're cheaper than most whole food stores and they can be shipped directly to your house