I'll take 24! Sorry I ruined the fun... :P 24 is better than being denied at the lotto counter the few times I actually play.
27 for me? That is actually pretty good. I will be 26 soon. When I go out places I usually get anywhere between 17 and 20. It gets frustrating.
I'm horrible at this and everyone always gets mine wrong. Justicer, my guess would be 35, but with your name thinking it might be 45?
Yes! and you look like a younger version of Sara Gilbert. :smile:
34DD too small???? I think you might need an extra hand or two to help with those! That kid obviously doesn't know what he is talking about. And yes, nude is a must. ;)
Renée Zellweger
Depends on the day, false today though. TNP loves their job.
False. TNP has gone streaking!
hmmm... kinda true. I'm considering if I should consider. lol TNP has a smartphone.
False, sadly. Need to be working out more. TNP will be eating a healthy lunch today.
False. TNP has plans for this weekend.
False. TNP has been to a foreign country.
True, supposed to be. ;) TNP has gone skinny dipping.
False, been there a lot actually. I've never had a six pack (abs that is!)
False, I've never gone streaking
@trip; fit with nice curves ;)
@amanda nice hair, pretty smile and a cute kid
@crystal: cute smile!
sounds like a good dream to me!
under a blanket of course... right?
Thank you! I too tend to prefer the baps for saucing, though anytime I can empty a bottle of sauce I'm happy. As for underwear, dark red boxers. I've got some boxer briefs for those sexy days. Haha
Alright, not the best pic but it is a face shot, and who doesn't love a good facial shot?
Ah! No, not the best. I guess I shall plan to wear something a bit more flattering. Though saying this now is building up that I am indeed flattering, which will be a letdown itself.
Haha, ok. Which smiling face do we want first? Face or bum?
I've read through November. It took me a full day! I needed to take a break when I had another 10 tabs open of 20 pages to read, haha. I think I'm up to speed on everything that happened before then though, is that good? Maybe I'll have to read end of Nov-Jan over the weekend lol. I'm also happy to sit back under a warm…
Nah, you didn't lose me yet! Between my internet browser crashing all day yesterday and being in work meetings yesterday/today it was a bad time to jump in. Hopefully I will be able to join in a bit more tomorrow. Thanks for the welcoming and I would love to be the DJ at the inn. I'd like to think my fingers are good and…
Oh my goodness, I believe I have stumbled upon the greatest thread in the history of the internet! I started reading at page one and 6 hours later only managed to get through November! I tried to escape but you guys kept pulling me back to read one more page. I would love to grab a diet coke, cuddle under a blanket and…