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  • Washington, DC
  • Hey everyone! Feel free to befriend me. 1. Where were you born? New Jersey 2. Where do you live at the moment? Washington DC, Punta Gorda, FL and soon... New York, NY 3. Where else have you lived? Maryland and Virginia 4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation? I am a Senior Writer Editor in the…
  • I'm glad they locked it. Too much of it was a commercial for the company anyway. Are people allowed to promote commercial products so blatantly on here? Why buy ad space?
  • Here is my reply back to Olivia: To: Olivia Sent: Wed 01/23/13 09:19 PM Subject: Re: Please make sure to follow the forum rules I'm afraid I'm new here and do not understand my violation. My intent was to inform people about a topic that is very important to me. I find the actions of that restaurant chain, Chik fil A, to…
  • I got a message from Olivia -- a MFP Community Manager-- alerting me that my original message on the Food board responding to the people raving over how wonderful Chik-fil-A is, was a violation of the policy. I love how she signs it, "Peace." See below: From: Olivia Received: Wed 01/23/13 08:03 PM Subject: Please make sure…
  • Aside from the anti-gay agenda of this chain, when I did go there, I thought the food was just OK. I would much rather have a steak bowl from Chipotle. It certainly isn't worth violating my principles. I'm not anti-christian... just practicing my freedom not to support groups that fight against my rights and wanted to let…
  • Hey all.. I'm Mark and live in SW DC with my partner of almost 15 years. Like to run and have been trying to lose my last 20 pounds for years. Hope this works.
  • It is very realistic goal, but find a training program to gradually get you there. You can find lots by using the Google machine. Having a goal like that makes getting into shape easier and motivating.