

  • First 3/4 weeks my scales were all over the place. Quite a sharp loss at the start but then plateaued and even went up a bit. Since then they've been consistently on a downward trend :)
  • Abso frikkin lutely! I made the mistake the other day of forgetting my bra when going for a treadmill run. I really wanted to do the run so I opted to try and do it with a regular bra - bad mistake! I now have a very sore area on one of my breasts from all the bouncing around and chafing. Must have also looked hideous...…
  • Congratulations! Know exactly how you feel! Same thing happened to me over the weekend. Great to no longer be obese! My little Mii is now a bit slimmer too!! That's all the motivation I need!
  • Go you! You can do it!! I'm on week 4 and its amazing how much you improve over such a short time! I've never been into running and could never understand why people rave about it. But since starting C25K I now get it! The achievement you make each week is such a buzz and I actually quite enjoy getting all puffed out and…
  • Thanks for the encouragement guys! I did try week 4 and did the first run successfully! Was flippin hard and I didn't think I'd do it but I did and it was the furthest and fastest I'd ran so far! On to Run 2 today! :D