

  • That will definitely come in handy. Thank you
  • I read that on the VM Facebook page too and I was skeptical so I asked my friend who is a registered dietician at the hospital. Here's what she told me- blended foods have the exact same calorie count as when they are whole. Here's where it gets tricky though- by blending your fruits and vegetables, you won't feel full as…
  • We'll encourage each other, ok? A 15 minute walk is almost exactly where I started, I think I did 20- I walked 10 minutes away from my house, so had to walk 10 more to get back, LOL. If you have some music to listen to, it helps, but hearing the birds in the early morning is kind of nice too- almost like a walking…
  • We certainly do go fishing! Just had a nice feed of walleye yesterday. We aren't into the bass so much, it's fishy tasting. Thanks for the encouragement!
  • So far I'm just walking and canoeing. Baby steps, LOL I'm with you jomclucas10, if I'd been more active I wouldn't be in this pickle, but that's the past. This is about today! Woo hoo! I think I'm feeling more energetic already though, is that possible? As I gain endurance I will do more, but I don't want to sabotage…
  • I worked in a hospital for 34 years. 17 years nursing, 17 in physical therapy. I retired last year. I know the effects first hand of taking my health for granted. I want to have a long and active retirement. I've never been athletic, never consistently stuck with an exercise plan. I've blamed shift work, kids and all kinds…
  • I've been staying away from the scale, because if I can't see it, it isn't happening. :-) But I do think being accountable is the only way for me to be successful. I'm going to weigh myself every day.
  • Woohoo! Let's do it! Thanks for starting this Jeff. I joined myFitness Pal a long time ago but never used it.