

  • Wow, thank you so much. Everyone here is so lovely :) I will look into those Zumba DVDs - i had stayed away from them after hearing bad reveiws but it sounds like they might be worth the money after all!
  • I have opened my diary. Which I am have been really bad at filling in but as of today I am going to set reminders for me to fill it in after each meal. I have read so many success stories on here, I really can't wait for that to be me. And tbh I think that's where I am going wrong. I want to lose weight so badly that I…
  • The wii game is good - the only difference is because the wii can't tell your exact movements it rewards your enthusiasm as opposed to both enthusiasm and correct moves like the kinect would do. It's not too expensive and if you do get a Kinect then you could always sell the wii game on eBay if you didn't want to keep it!
  • That's sort of what I was thinking. And MFP is just as easy - if not easier!!! :)
  • Zumba is awesome - the first time I went I was a little nervous to be honest! I was worried it would be difficult and the first time it was a little difficult not knowing the moves but now I know a few of the routines like the back of my hand and am still learning new routines! It is the best thing I have ever joined -…
  • Oh please count me in!!! I'm needing all the support I can get at the moment and joining others with the same goal might be just the ticket! My current weight is 163lb My goal weight is 130lb by christmas So hopefully 6lb a month isn't a ridiculous thing to hope for?? :)
  • It is a really good game - providing you put the effort in! When I first tried it I found it boring until I realised I had just done a whole course and not broke out in a sweat!! I did the same course again only putting a lot of effort in and it became so much fun!! The blet isn't that small. I thought that it would be…