Try again....


So I started eating better about a month ago and in 2 weeks lost 4lb. I was really suprised with the results. I was eating better and I had taken up Zumba once a week from being a complete couch potato. Then last week, I went on holiday. I ate Fish & Chips and Pizza most days and didn't do much exercise. I have now put that 4lb back on. It's very disheartening but I'm going to have to start again now. I want to drop at least 2 dress sizes before christmas. I know I'm not that big - I'm a size 16 - but for my height (4' 11") I certainly look bigger than I should be. I just seem to be lacking motivation. I have been advised to try Weight Watchers but it seems really expensive although the motivation from others there might help.

So here I go - starting from scratch once again. Only this time I'm not due to go on holiday so I shouldn't give in so easily.

Does anyone have any tips on keeping yourself motivated and exercise tips to add on top of Zumba?




  • rocki21
    rocki21 Posts: 108 Member
    im going on three weeks of doing this, and how i have gotten myself motivated is that I do this all with my boyfriend. I also found some workout on netflix which keeps me motivated and it also keeps it fun. I also have a treadmill at home so i just pop in a movie or something and just walk this way i dont pay attention to the amount of time im on the treadmill and just watch the movie. If you need someone to keep you motivated i would love to help you there. If you want to me just friend me. How do you like zumba? Ive been wanting to try it
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Welcome!!...honestly WW is just counting calories except its your money and use MFP ;)
  • CostaCossie
    im going on three weeks of doing this, and how i have gotten myself motivated is that I do this all with my boyfriend. I also found some workout on netflix which keeps me motivated and it also keeps it fun. I also have a treadmill at home so i just pop in a movie or something and just walk this way i dont pay attention to the amount of time im on the treadmill and just watch the movie. If you need someone to keep you motivated i would love to help you there. If you want to me just friend me. How do you like zumba? Ive been wanting to try it

    Zumba is awesome - the first time I went I was a little nervous to be honest! I was worried it would be difficult and the first time it was a little difficult not knowing the moves but now I know a few of the routines like the back of my hand and am still learning new routines! It is the best thing I have ever joined - highly recommend it!!!

    Thanks for your support guys - all of you are amazing.

  • CostaCossie
    Welcome!!...honestly WW is just counting calories except its your money and use MFP ;)

    That's sort of what I was thinking. And MFP is just as easy - if not easier!!! :)
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Welcome!!...honestly WW is just counting calories except its your money and use MFP ;)

    That's sort of what I was thinking. And MFP is just as easy - if not easier!!! :)
    True.....I love this place!
  • rocki21
    rocki21 Posts: 108 Member
    thanks I've been thinking about getting Zumba for the wii. I was maybe going to wait and buy the kinect and get it for that but i think the wii will be just as good
  • CostaCossie
    The wii game is good - the only difference is because the wii can't tell your exact movements it rewards your enthusiasm as opposed to both enthusiasm and correct moves like the kinect would do. It's not too expensive and if you do get a Kinect then you could always sell the wii game on eBay if you didn't want to keep it!
  • rocki21
    rocki21 Posts: 108 Member
    oh wow I did not know that ... hmm then i might just wait to get the kinect and the game then since i want to know if I'm moving correctly also. Plus right now I'm doing Jillian 30 day shred though for me its going to be more like 3 month shred lol... since me and my boyfriend can only do that dvd about 3 days a week.
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    30DS is awesome.....I do it at my own level 1 for weeks cause I cant do it every day...but thats ok its working awesome
  • rocki21
    rocki21 Posts: 108 Member
    30DS is awesome.....I do it at my own level 1 for weeks cause I cant do it every day...but thats ok its working awesome

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that is doing 30DS at their own pace
  • dsreilly
    dsreilly Posts: 47 Member
    I had zumba kinect......i didn't like it. It said you were doing it right, even if you were totally off, i took it back and brought biggest loser....the next day, i could barely move. Lol!! The woman in blockbuster said loads of people had brought the kinect Zumba game back.