ss_mom Member


  • Hi Ladies I started JMBR early this year, I was going strong until last week. I made it to week 6 without any break. I took few days off Jillian and restarted at week 7 this Monday. I did workout #7 with 8 lbs and felt it really bad the next few days. This morning I did workout#8, it was so much better. I used a range of…
  • I did workout #3 this morning. I really am not big fan of plank and push-up, but I know it does work very well to tone the body. I always like the even number workouts better. This round I am replacing the cardio with spinning, elliptical and some other gym workouts. I am trying to get 150-200 min of cardio every week.…
  • I am almost done with week 3. I am using 5lbs for workout 3 and workout 4. I am substituting cardio 1 with other cardio workout. I have completed the whole program once 3 years ago and really loved the results. I am very excited to do it all over again.
  • I started Body revolution on 30th of December, I am completing my third week as well.
  • Day #3 I did Turbo Fire 60 and burned 500 cal. Another 150 cal from walking. As for food I was pretty good. I stayed at 1420 cal. I did went to my hair dressed today after 5 months. Last time I saw her I was 142 now I am may be 144-145. She cant stop complementing me. I think I am getting the result of lifting heavy…
  • Day#3 I ate 1300 cal and did PC#3 and walking. I burned 200 cal. It was a easy day. I did get my first compliment today that I am looking slim. That makes me happy!!!! ss_mom
  • Day#2 I am really feeling great already!!! I did Turbo fire 45 and 3 mile run/walk: burned 675 cal!!!! I ate about 1500 cal. I have noticed that if I allow a little treat each day, it keeps me going better.
  • Day#1 Exercise: 660 cal burned I did PC#2, T25 cardio and 30 min elliptical As for the food I ate 1464 cal. I think I did very well for my first day of challenge. I was feeling so lazy to wake up and exercise this morning. But I did get up and got my morning workout in. I am feeling very excited about this mini challenge…
  • I am done week#12. I did WO11 and WO12 for week#13. Almost there. I hope to finish it strong!!!
    in Phase 3 Comment by ss_mom April 2013
  • I am half way through week#12. The WO11 and WO12 is definitely getting easier. Cant wait to finish it all.
    in Phase 3 Comment by ss_mom April 2013
  • I did WO12 for second time today. I think I did it better than last time. I am very sore and over all feeling tired this week. I need to push it a little harder for next two weeks. Sabina
    in Phase 3 Comment by ss_mom April 2013
  • I did WO11 today for second time. I think I did it much better this morning. kiwi3374, I think we are almost on the same week. I also hope to finish the last two week strong. sabina
    in Phase 3 Comment by ss_mom April 2013
  • I am doing week #11. I started WO11 and WO12 this week. I am pretty sore today. I feel very accomplished to see myself come this far. Only two more weeks and it will be over. I am glad that I could join you guys till the finish line. Sabina
    in Phase 3 Comment by ss_mom April 2013
  • Hi Everyone Thanks for your encouragement. I am really trying to enjoy the clothes I could not wear a year back for now. I am trying to get past the scale factor this time. kymkan I waited to measure myself. When I was feeling down seeing my weight go up and down, i did measure and was gladly surprised. I did go for a…