darl4339 Member


  • A guy at the the gym today told me I was in great shape. He was next to me doing a class for the first time so I was helping him get set up. After class I told him he did great for the first time and he told me I was in great shape. YAY!!!
  • You should be proud, how awesome!!
  • I just made a stop there at lunch:) I am hooked on their 100 calorie 70% Cacoa Dark chocolate bars. I can be satisfied with one. I also love their chile lime chicken burgers, their women's protein powder (Aria), frozen fruit for smoothies, Diet Hansen's root bear soda, shrimp stir fry, sweet chici sauce, the list is…
  • No advice, I am right there with you! I think my problem is I am turning 39 soon and my matabolism is slowing down. It is very frustrating as I work out 6 days a week and track everything. I usually burn around 500-800 calories a day and eeat between 1500-2000 depending on the day. I do get more lax on the weekends with…