Greatest Compliment

Okay, so I got a ways through the thread about humiliating stories/comments. I feel like it broke my heart. I can't believe people could be so cruel.

The only bright side is if you're able to use it as motivation (for yourself and not for them), you can show them!

I think we need some nice stories.

What is the greatest/sweetest compliment since you've started your journey to fitness?

These are the stories I love to hear :D


  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    My husband tried to tickle me last week (which I absolutely hate and he knows it) but I flipped him off me and pinned his arms down; he couldn't move. Then he said "look how strong you are!"

    That was enough for me :smile:
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Not really fitness, but the one I dated that told me "you make me want to be the best I can be." :smile:
  • _Danno_
    _Danno_ Posts: 165
    I don't know about anybody else but I feel really uncomfortable getting compliments, I'm so used to people taking the piss out of the "fat *kitten*" that when somebody is nice I don't know what to say and just try to ignore them ????
  • jazzguy4him
    jazzguy4him Posts: 83 Member
    That seeing my success has motivated other to lose weight too. What else is there to say? Lead by example.
  • LuvtheCubs
    LuvtheCubs Posts: 161 Member
    Last week end my niece said "auntie, you look really good ". Coming from my beautiful17 year old niece, it made me smile.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    "Nice *kitten*!"
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    "You smell a lot better this week. Not that it could have gotten any worse, but..."
  • darl4339
    darl4339 Posts: 4 Member
    A guy at the the gym today told me I was in great shape. He was next to me doing a class for the first time so I was helping him get set up. After class I told him he did great for the first time and he told me I was in great shape. YAY!!!
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    The greatest compliments I've gotten are from people who I inspired to make healthier choices because of the results I've gotten.
  • TrishaAnn13
    TrishaAnn13 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm in college so I went back to my home town for the first time since I started losing weight and one of my guy friends (who is incredibly fit and quite attractive) couldn't stop telling me how great I looked and how much weight I have lost and mind you I am still just shy of being to my half way point. But it was so nice to be told by someone who isn't really even very good friends with me just how great I look. So whenever I lose my motivation I think of him and how great it will be to one day feel that way about myself.
  • tayjenks08
    tayjenks08 Posts: 16 Member
    This morning i came home from working out and my boyfriend was on his way to work, he seen i was having a healthy breakfast and he said "look at you! youre really staying committed, im really proud of you!" It made me feel good! He's seen me have good days and bad days, and if i choose to treat myself , instead of "reminding" me that im trying to loose weight, he supports me because he knows how hard im working! Its great to have people like that in your corner.
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    These are so awesome <3

    My boyfriend always says he sees the difference and keeps telling me he loves my stomach. What makes me even happier is he's always loving affectionate, and constantly complimenting me (so I don't feel sad that he didn't like me before). Now he just compliments the positive changes I've made.

    Okay, loving this thread :)

    I honestly think everyone has something that is beautiful about them and smaller does not mean better. It is a great change if it means being and healthier and if it gives you confidence, but the fact that anyone could ever make someone feel bad/low about their weight. HORRIBLE! This site is full of wonderful beautiful people that inspire me everyday.
  • rachface1234
    rachface1234 Posts: 227 Member
    Last summer I horse riding acquaintances with a very unhappy lady who has struggled with anorexia for atleast 15 years. She always saw me in riding pants, but one day I came out for a quick visit with the horses wearing short shorts and she almost YELLED, OMG, your legs look like a bodybuilders! Now to be honest, I don't really think it was intended as a compliment, as she often says things about others bodies in a negative way because she feels bad about hers, but I sure decided to take that as a huge compliment, hiking, jogging, horseback riding, squats, zumba, these things have led to fairly thick legs, but I'm proud of every inch of muscle on them :)
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    Last summer I horse riding acquaintances with a very unhappy lady who has struggled with anorexia for atleast 15 years. She always saw me in riding pants, but one day I came out for a quick visit with the horses wearing short shorts and she almost YELLED, OMG, your legs look like a bodybuilders! Now to be honest, I don't really think it was intended as a compliment, as she often says things about others bodies in a negative way because she feels bad about hers, but I sure decided to take that as a huge compliment, hiking, jogging, horseback riding, squats, zumba, these things have led to fairly thick legs, but I'm proud of every inch of muscle on them :)

    Glad you took that as a compliment because I think strong legs are amazing! I love putting muscle on mine. I think thick legs can be a very attractive quality. That's why I too stick with the squats :)
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    A guy walked up to me in the gym last week and told me he was very impressed by my form.
  • JessieMay1995
    JessieMay1995 Posts: 11 Member
    My boyfriend said to me the other week: "I don't understand why you feel like you need to lose weight because you're already beautiful.. but I am really proud of you for being so committed and for how well you've done already." :') <3
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    I tried on an outfit the other day and my husband had to do a double take and then said "wow". Its a big deal when your husband of 11 yrs says wow. He compliments all the time and always has but the "wow" was reactionary not a thought out compliment which means a lot to me.
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    There are two great compliments that come to mind...

    First, when I went to have a big check up with my doctor. He had sent me for a barrage of tests, because it had been awhile since I last visited. I was in to get the results. He sat there looking back and forth between me and the test results, shaking his head, an incredulous look on his face and said very slowly, deliberately and with admiration: "you have turned your life around". That was cool.

    Second, happened recently. I was in the gym and finishing up my 45 minutes on the Arc Trainer. I was tired and sweaty, I really don't like to exercise, but I'm very goal oriented so I felt great that I finished and that I outlasted a bunch of younger people. Someone came up to me as I stepped off the machine and raved "you are an ANIMAL on that machine!" Yeah, booyah, that made me feel fantastic!

    Thanks for starting this thread! It just motivated me to go to the gym even though I'm kind of tired. :happy:
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    My bf's coworker and friend saw me at the gym lifting and texted him to see if it was me. She asked if I had lost weight and said I looked really fit.

    It was a huge compliment coming from her because she's really fit.
  • kglading
    kglading Posts: 80 Member
    One of those skinny girls at the front desk of the gym, that always get stereotyped as that 'skinny b****' kept looking at me funny two days ago, and finally came over and said "How much weight have you lost, you look great!!"
    Also, today I had to give a speech in class, and my friend came up to me afterwards and said 'Giiiirrrlllll your arms are looking fiiinnee!!!'
    Needless to say, I'm feeling pretty great right now! =)