Can't lose it

I CAN'T LOSE my weight, it wont budge, what can I do to stop it? I've been around 10 stone for maybe a year now, i cant ever get below it

I go to the gym 3 times a week (burning 450-600 calories with each visit)
I track every single calorie i eat
I am most of the time within my allowance usually, with a defecit
I drink protein shakes on the days i train
I am taking chromium to regulate my insulin levels
I have cut drinking alcohol by 80%
I drink two cups of green tea a day
I drink as much water as possible
I only eat vegetables, wholemeal, rice, lentils, quinoa, vegetables, fat free yoghurts, skimmed milk, porridge
I stay as active during the day as possible
I dont drink fizzy drinks

i CANT lose it, PLEASE can someone point to a reason of what is happened? And dont say im 'misjudging' calories, i track every single thing i eat and drink

I dunno what to do anymore, i am fed up of trying all the time and seeing no results


  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150
    How much are you eating in a day?

    When as the last time you changed your workout routine or the amount of calories you eat? Do you weigh all foods and measure all liquids?
  • vikkistarr89
    vikkistarr89 Posts: 122 Member
    How much are you eating in a day?

    When as the last time you changed your workout routine or the amount of calories you eat? Do you weigh all foods and measure all liquids?

    I weigh everything I eat. I am eatting around 1500 calories a day. I have stopped running all the time and now i'm doing cycling, crosstrainers, boxercise, interval training, weights, and circuits. It seems to have no effect
  • darl4339
    darl4339 Posts: 4 Member
    No advice, I am right there with you! I think my problem is I am turning 39 soon and my matabolism is slowing down. It is very frustrating as I work out 6 days a week and track everything. I usually burn around 500-800 calories a day and eeat between 1500-2000 depending on the day. I do get more lax on the weekends with the alcohol and eating out so thinking I must have no social life in order to reach my goal:(
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you open your diary we may be able to give more advice
  • vikkistarr89
    vikkistarr89 Posts: 122 Member
    No advice, I am right there with you! I think my problem is I am turning 39 soon and my matabolism is slowing down. It is very frustrating as I work out 6 days a week and track everything. I usually burn around 500-800 calories a day and eeat between 1500-2000 depending on the day. I do get more lax on the weekends with the alcohol and eating out so thinking I must have no social life in order to reach my goal:(

    I am only 23, how can my metabolism be such a stand still! I put chili or cayenne pepper on everything, im drinking green tea and im eating smaller amounts five times a day. HOW?!
  • LindsayLL30
    LindsayLL30 Posts: 154 Member
    No advice, I am right there with you! I think my problem is I am turning 39 soon and my matabolism is slowing down. It is very frustrating as I work out 6 days a week and track everything. I usually burn around 500-800 calories a day and eeat between 1500-2000 depending on the day. I do get more lax on the weekends with the alcohol and eating out so thinking I must have no social life in order to reach my goal:(

    I have thought the same thing...but am in no hurry to give up my fun social life!
  • Bjninja
    Bjninja Posts: 44
    I also have the same problem. Can't lose weight to save my life.

    Have you tried to lose weight before? I hear it's always harder the second time around because your body is used to the routine. Still, don't drop below 1200 calories a day or else your body will go into starvation mode.
  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150
    Are you just eating 1500 or NETTING 1500?

    How are you measuring your calorie burns?

    It's hard to make suggestions without seeing your diary and such...
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member

    I weigh everything I eat. I am eatting around 1500 calories a day. I have stopped running all the time and now i'm doing cycling, crosstrainers, boxercise, interval training, weights, and circuits. It seems to have no effect

    Is that 1500 net? You might need more than 1500 depending on your days due to how much you work out
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Try checking your measurements to see if they've gone down at all. If your exercise and intake tracking is correct, you should be losing. Maybe cut out alcohol all together. I know that worked amazingly well for my brother. He didn't have a huge difference when he cut a majority of his alcohol consumption, but when it was all gone, he dropped a lot of weight. For me, slashing sugar and upping protein intake (I didn't cut carbs, just made sure I had more protein) caused me to drop weight. You might also add in some strength training.
  • jordantylergillespie
    jordantylergillespie Posts: 18 Member
    I feel your pain, honestly I do, in my 58 pound loss I've hit that wall that you're talking about twice. The thing that got me through it the first time was going from 3 workouts a week to 5 workouts a week. Not too bad.

    The second wall was very difficult and I almost slipped back into old ways quickly. But I decided to reevaluate my diet and found that I just wasn't consuming enough protein. You would be amazed what a difference it makes to change your protein intake from around 20% of your diet (average) to around 45% of your diet. When I did this I started to feel amazing and the pounds flew off. Plus protein digests slower than carbs so you don't feel hungry all the time.

    That would be my advice, try seriously cranking up your protein intake, don't go "low carb" cause the long term effects of that haven't been measured but just try to add a significant amount of protein to your diet, it will help and keep going you're doing great!
  • bleubook
    bleubook Posts: 2
    Maybe you are at a healthy weight for you?
    I don't know what 10 stone translates to. :)
    But it sounds like you have a healthy diet and lifestyle.
    Do you use a heart rate monitor to monitor your calories burned?
    Its possible you are eating the exact amount of calories your body needs for the level of activity you have.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    How much water are you drinking? You may just be retaining some water and you need to drink more water to lose the water weight. Or it may be cuz you are working out alot that you are building up some real muscles and look like you aren't losing weight cuz you're gaining that but eventually the weight will come off and you'll look thinner and in great shape. Are you eating enough calories? You should be eating atleast 1400 to 1450 calories prob with working out consistantly. Are you on any medications that cause weight gain? I had that before and had to have my Dr switch my med cuz the medication was common to cause weight gain. If you are on any meds it may be that one of them is slowing down your metabolism.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    What is your NET calorie intake each day (calories eaten - calories burned). You may not be eating enough to compensate for your exercise so your body thinks it's starving and slows your metabolism down. Have you checked out TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) or BMR (basal metabolic rate)? These both help you to understand how much you need to eat based on your activity levels. I work out for about 45 minutes every morning and I shoot for a net calorie intake of 1200 calories and am losing one to two pounds a week. If I eat less than that for a few days, my weight loss slows or stops.
  • Maybe you are at a healthy weight for you?
    I don't know what 10 stone translates to. :)
    But it sounds like you have a healthy diet and lifestyle.
    Do you use a heart rate monitor to monitor your calories burned?
    Its possible you are eating the exact amount of calories your body needs for the level of activity you have.

    THIS. 10 stone is 140 lbs.... how tall are you? 140lbs is a perfect weight for a young women....
    My advice: throw away your scale, and just focus on exercising, stay healthy, toning, etc.

  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    How tall are you? If 10 stone (140 lbs) is a healthy weight for you, then it will be a much slower process to lose fat. You might do better with a smaller calorie deficit, and focusing more on body composition rather than what number the scale says.

    Also, as others have asked, are you eating to fuel all those workouts you're doing, or is 1500 the total number of calories you're consuming in a day?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    No advice, I am right there with you! I think my problem is I am turning 39 soon and my matabolism is slowing down. It is very frustrating as I work out 6 days a week and track everything. I usually burn around 500-800 calories a day and eeat between 1500-2000 depending on the day. I do get more lax on the weekends with the alcohol and eating out so thinking I must have no social life in order to reach my goal:(

    I am only 23, how can my metabolism be such a stand still! I put chili or cayenne pepper on everything, im drinking green tea and im eating smaller amounts five times a day. HOW?!
    It sounds like you are using every possible weight loss myth out there. Chromium does absolutely nothing, and can actually be toxic (and it's a carcinogen.) Cayenne pepper and green tea don't actually do anything for weight loss, either (but they are pretty good for flavor and overall health.) A calorie deficit will help you lose weight. That's all there is to it.

    It sounds like you are sabvotaging yourself by trying to overcomplicate it. Find your TDEE, knock off 15-20%, and see how that goes. Get rid of all the other unnecessary stuff.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    The only suggestion I can make is, if you have been eating at a deficit and quite a big one for a long time, you need a refeed - a week or more of maintenance level calories, so your hormones and all those pesky chemicals in your body (that want to keep you the weight you are at) can go back to normal levels (leptin, ghrelin and lots of other things).

    Diet breaks and refeeds are well known in some fitness circles. They work. Look up Lyle McDonald and Body Recomposition, there is a lot of information on there about it all, in more detail, if you want to have a well researched read.
  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150
    No advice, I am right there with you! I think my problem is I am turning 39 soon and my matabolism is slowing down. It is very frustrating as I work out 6 days a week and track everything. I usually burn around 500-800 calories a day and eeat between 1500-2000 depending on the day. I do get more lax on the weekends with the alcohol and eating out so thinking I must have no social life in order to reach my goal:(

    I am only 23, how can my metabolism be such a stand still! I put chili or cayenne pepper on everything, im drinking green tea and im eating smaller amounts five times a day. HOW?!

    Those things don't actually do anything for your metabolism. The only real way to increase your metabolism would be to build muscle.

    At your current weight, you might get better results from following a muscle building routine. More muscle menas a smaller body even if the scale doesn't say so.

    Eat more... lift heavy.. max out on protein. Muscle will change the look of your body a lot more than a bit of weight will. As you lose weight by eating at a calorie deficit you lose muscle in the process so closer to a goal/healthy weight it's good to switch your focus to building muscle.
  • Zdesh
    Zdesh Posts: 16 Member
    No advice, I am right there with you! I think my problem is I am turning 39 soon and my matabolism is slowing down. It is very frustrating as I work out 6 days a week and track everything. I usually burn around 500-800 calories a day and eeat between 1500-2000 depending on the day. I do get more lax on the weekends with the alcohol and eating out so thinking I must have no social life in order to reach my goal:(

    I have thought the same thing...but am in no hurry to give up my fun social life! have to live a little. I just turned 39 and I realized that it's harder than it use to be to get it off. But I continue to work the plan...good productive workouts (burning 400-500 calories at least 5 days a weeks and sometimes 2-a-days) and trying to make the right choices 85% of the time and staying withing 1200-1500 calories. With all of that, I feel I should be able to enjoy life too!