alligetsskinny Member


  • How much are you eating? Being under your calories isn't always a good thing, if you're not eating enough your body will go into starvation mode and you won't be able to lose weight.
  • I'm the same shaebae, its so much easier in the morning, then it's over and done with and my tired muscles can relax!
  • I was the same, my legs were aching from yesterday so I don't think I worked as hard as a could have if I was fresh and rested. I was still pouring with sweat though and wanted to die at the end lol. Looking forward to tomorrow's cardio recovery, hopefully a bit easier than power jumps or those weird push up things!
  • It's the morning of day 3 for me, I haven't done the workout yet but I'm dreading it! My legs are so sore from the fit test and cardio circuit, I actually had to talk myself into standing up from the bed this morning cos I knew the pain was coming!!! Ouch!!!
  • You'll be fine! If I can do it, anyone can!! I've had two knee surgeries and my knees were surprisingly fine with it. Good luck, you can do it!
  • Kazuodraysen - I did the same, did a few weeks in the gym before I started, glad I did if this is how I feel after already working on my fitness lol! Adrian - amazing!! Very motivating, well done :)
  • Alright, day 1 done! My body feels like it got one hell of a shock! Switch kicks - 45 (The first few we're alright but my kicks got lower and lower!) Power jacks - 24 Powers knees - 50 Power jumps - 16 Globe jumps - 5 Suicide jumps - 11 (these are called suicide jumps for a reason, I would rather die than do them!!) lol…
  • I'm getting it under way soon so will post my results after, I'm excited to get started! Good luck to you too! :)
  • I'm starting insanity today! I'm very nervous... We can do it!! :D
  • Hi there! I'm starting insanity today, I've watched a couple videos and I'm a little nervous... Lol
  • I've ordered it, waiting for it to arrive.. Can't say I'm terribly excited!! Lol