

  • good luck! 40 really isn't so bad and isn't really mid life yet, believe it or not. I had a hard time losing weight at 40, but what finally worked was diet AND exercise. You really do have to do both. But make it fun. If you like to read, download audiobooks and listen to them on your MP3 or iPhone while you walk Get a…
  • YES! Measure measure measure - I forgot that detail. Very important!
  • Only drink on weekends. if possible. If you know you are going out, figure out the calories in the cocktails you prefer, and earn them! Go for a walk or run etc. This is what I do, I "pre-pay" for the calories in my cocktails. This combination of pre-earning my calories, and trying to stick only to weekends has been…
  • OK first of all, I did the Jillian videos for two years without any weight loss. Unfortunately you can't use those workout DVDs as weight loss tools, although they are great for toning etc. I tried and tried for two years, with no results. What worked for me finally was being totally honest about my caloric intake and…
  • The one problem with ths diet app is that it doesn't focus enough on WHAT you eat. It is important to cut calories, yes. But it is also very important to reduce your sugar intake. Eat more fiber, and if you are exercising, make sure you are eating enough protein. Drink more water. Remember that you are going to have muscle…