Alcohol and weight loss

Okay I like a good beer, glass of wine, cocktail what have you but I am thinking that it may be contributing to my lack in weight loss. Does anyone have any suggestions in this area?


  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Fit it into your daily calorie allowance or eliminate it. There is nothing else.
  • Only drink on weekends. if possible. If you know you are going out, figure out the calories in the cocktails you prefer, and earn them! Go for a walk or run etc. This is what I do, I "pre-pay" for the calories in my cocktails. This combination of pre-earning my calories, and trying to stick only to weekends has been working for me, and I haven't gained back any of what I've lost.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Alcohol will not inherently derail weight loss, but it often has a lot more calories than we think or we drink more than we realize. Pay attention to what you're drinking and try your best to fit it into your calorie goals. Alcohol is the first thing to go if I'm about to go over my goals, or if I only have 100 calories left I'll go for 1oz of vodka in soda water with lemon.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    I put on the weight because of wine. I've found I've had to cut way down. I don't drink weekdays anymore, limit myself to 2-3 on weekends, and account for the calories beforehand. So tonight we are going out to a concert picnic and I'm taking a half bottle of pinot noir for me. That's over 300 extra calories, so I'm going to the gym this morning to deal with that beforehand.
  • russellbrand69
    russellbrand69 Posts: 132 Member
    Also - drink at least a large glass of water for every alcoholic drink you have. You'll drink way less, but still be able to go out with your friends and have fun.
    I do this every weekend, and I only usually end up having 2 or 3 glasses of wine, but I still get to chat with my friends and see bands etc. - I'm not missing out on anything.
    It was hard at the start, when I was used to having like maybe 6 or 8 drinks, but I got used to it in a couple of weeks.
    I also wake up early with no hangover and loads of money left in my bag so it is win win win win!
  • Goalsat47
    Goalsat47 Posts: 74 Member
    Wine is huge for me. The problem isnt even the wine itself but that when I drink 2-3 glasses of it it lowers my willpower. I'll have the wine, open the fridge and anything in there is fair game. Doesnt even have to be anything really good, I'll fill up on fried egg sandwiches with ketchup.

    I dont drink much but I do like to buy a bottle on a Friday night. Now I have cut it down to where I can have some wine if I go out to dinner. If I do buy it for a night at home I'll try to buy the Skinny Girl wine which is much lower in calories.
  • You can't go wrong with Vodka, Club Soda and a wedge of lime!
  • Slinn1985
    Slinn1985 Posts: 58 Member
    Main and most important reason why alcohol is terrible for diets?

    Because after 6 pints a kebab suddenly becomes irresistible.
  • lindseydavis07
    lindseydavis07 Posts: 64 Member
    I have cut way back on my alcohol intake, I was drinking at least a glass of wine or a beer every night. Now I have to make sure its within my calories for the day and I make sure to work out extra to make up for it. I only drink on the weekends now or special occasions and then I limit myself to 2. Good luck!
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    Only drink on weekends. if possible. If you know you are going out, figure out the calories in the cocktails you prefer, and earn them! Go for a walk or run etc. This is what I do, I "pre-pay" for the calories in my cocktails. This combination of pre-earning my calories, and trying to stick only to weekends has been working for me, and I haven't gained back any of what I've lost. actually MEASURE with a shot glass or measuring cup. it is flat amazing how much a standard wine glass will hold - LOL!!
  • Only drink on weekends. if possible. If you know you are going out, figure out the calories in the cocktails you prefer, and earn them! Go for a walk or run etc. This is what I do, I "pre-pay" for the calories in my cocktails. This combination of pre-earning my calories, and trying to stick only to weekends has been working for me, and I haven't gained back any of what I've lost. actually MEASURE with a shot glass or measuring cup. it is flat amazing how much a standard wine glass will hold - LOL!!

    Amazing, try heavenly!!!
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    I drink almost daily, a glass of wine, a beer or sometimes a nice Gin on ice :drinker:

    I fit it in my calories, it never stopped me from losing weight.
    Some people prefer to eliminate it altogether. If your calorie goal is quite low then drinking your calories might be a bit of a waste, but if it fits and you have enough of everything you need and don't feel hungry, there is no problem with Alcohol at all
  • amyrob56
    amyrob56 Posts: 27
    I had to cut way back on the wine... :( My hubby retired last October and took up winemaking as a hobby. He is making 30-60 bottles a month and it is all good. We were drinking a glass a week night and "several" glasses on the weekend nights.

    So now it is none for me during the week and only one glass most weekend nights. Cutting back really was the only way to gain any ground in my weight loss.

    BTW, wine making is a great hobby. Relatively inexpensive to start and once the equipment is purchased and you and friends are recycling the bottles - you can make great wine for about $2 a bottle!
  • Only drink on weekends. if possible. If you know you are going out, figure out the calories in the cocktails you prefer, and earn them! Go for a walk or run etc. This is what I do, I "pre-pay" for the calories in my cocktails. This combination of pre-earning my calories, and trying to stick only to weekends has been working for me, and I haven't gained back any of what I've lost. actually MEASURE with a shot glass or measuring cup. it is flat amazing how much a standard wine glass will hold - LOL!!
  • YES! Measure measure measure - I forgot that detail. Very important!
  • sddicks01
    sddicks01 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks to you all on the great advice.