kaeganc Member


  • Thank you everyone for your support and knowledgeable comments. I'll be talking to my doctor this week about some approved exercises and keeping a tighter deficit. :)
  • I'm here in CA, getting back on the wagon and fully committed. I've had an ankle injury which caused me to gain weight. While I'm rehabilitating and slowly getting back into exercise I need to take strict control of my diet. (damn you cheeto puffs!) I'm an upbeat person and happy to give encouragement. I'm looking for help…
  • I absolutely LOVE bread, but I tried a hamburger in a lettuce wrap today to save on calories and it was pretty good. Yay for trying new things to be healthy!
  • One word: VEGETABLES!!!!! High in nutrition Low in calories. =)
  • Same here (2 years). Everyone is different. Its what's best for your body that's important. I personally like that you don't have to remember to take it everyday and some of the pill-form birth controls really screwed with my emotions when I took them. As I said, talk to your doctor and think about what's right for you. =)
  • I saw a picture of my dad and I two weeks ago and I almost didn't recignise myself. My face was so fat! It used to be Oval and now its Round....with like jowls. So I posted it as my profile pic to remind me every day that I'm going away from that. Once I lose 20lbs I'll take a new pic...and the 20lbs after that until it…
  • I'm a painter. I love the human figure and my favorite thing to paint are classical nudes. =)
  • The funny thing is my sister is 2" taller and has always been thinner then me as well. I also carry the weight well all 195 lbs on my 5'8 frame. (the curves help hahahaha). But its always been a struggle. Especially with a taller, model-thin sibling its easy to feel like the ugly d.uckling. I feel your pain. However, know…