harmonymaxon Member


  • Starting weight 267 current weight 196
  • Hey I was 261 when I started at the gym! No one cares! I have meet some pretty cool people there! I almost died my first abobics class! I was the fattest one in there! But instead of walking out I litterly said to myself " I'm going to do this better than them!" And I got home that night and told my husband " babe I don't…
  • I like the biggest loser scale it's a bit pricey but I've had it for 3 years and it is still spot on! Good luck and make it fun if you can get thru the first month you'll be ok;) and just remember its learning a new lifestyle not dieting!
  • I like the biggest loser scale it's a bit pricey but I've had it for 3 years and it is still spot on! Good luck and make it fun if you can get thru the first month you'll be ok;) and just remember its learning a new lifestyle not dieting!
  • Hey I started January 8, 2013. I am also down only 12lbs! I am also going to the gym 5-6 days a week doing 1-2 hour workouts staying under my 1200 cal. Goal!! And I am straight up fusterated!! But the guy at the gym who is a trainer said my body's in shock right now and don't give up! I hope for my sanity I start lossing…
  • I'm just starting 1/28/13 SW:261 CW:251 GW:135ish
  • Hi I'm Harmony I am 31 years old, 5'2 and I weigh 249 pounds! I know right!! Crazy! I started my weight loss process January 8,2013 almost 3 weeks ago. I had to go to the dr I wanted a check up after my friends husband got on me about my colesteral and blood pressure. He had just had an appointment found out his was high.…
  • It's ok;) everyone has an off day! I had a bad weekend! I had helped a friend move we lived off of pizza and tacos this weekend! But I also know I have to work that much harder at the gym this week! Hang in there you can do it!
  • That's wonderful keep up the good work!!