Scared to go to the gym :(



  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Hold your head high and get in there who cares what people think besides if they are doing what they should you will be hardly noticed :)
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Most people are so engrossed in their workouts that they don't even notice anyone around them - so even though it may feel like it, honestly no-one is looking at you.

    Enjoy all the benefits you will get from exercise :)

    THIS. Seriously, most people there are too focused on getting themselves in shape to notice others around them. Keep it up!
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I used to be afraid of going to the gym. Then I pictured scenarios in my head that would justify it.

    I walk in to the gym and everyone stops working out and music stops the second I walk it. They all stare at me uncomfortably. I try to just go to a machine but the music never comes back on and everyone just keeps staring at me. Eventually I get up and leave and no sooner than I hit the door everyone goes back to what they were doing and the music comes back on.

    The absurdity of the scenario made me think about what was far more likely. People on a daily basis tend to just do what they have to do in the gym. They go about their workout and only on occasion do they take notice of others in the gym. The music just keeps playing and everyone goes about their own workouts. The other scenario has only happened 4 times since I have started going to gym so I think I am doing ok.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I'm the same way. I hate going to the gym and feeling all self-conscious. But I joined a gym just last week. I love it. I do hate it when people say "no one is looking at you" because I know I look around at other people. But I don't judge. I'm just a people watcher, I just like to see what they're doing and how they're doing it. So be aware that some people may be looking at you, I'm sure I'm not the only people-watcher that goes to a gym, but they're not judging you. If anything they're thinking how awesome it is that you're there and doing this for yourself. It definitely does get easier to ignore the feeling of people looking at you the more often you go.
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    Don't be ridiculous...I've yet to walk into any gym where EVERYONE is young, hot and in great shape. Go in like a boss, and own it!

    There's nothing to be afraid of :noway:

    ^ this.

    You aren't the only one in there who feels that way.
    My gym is FULL of people who are out of shape, old, and there's the occasional person who uses the equipment wrong.
  • LittleFish79
    I felt that way, too. Of course, I'm older -- so I'm *invisible* to most folks anyway. LOL I just decided that I needed to do this for me & everyone is "doing their own thing" while at the gym, so I go. I'm uncoordinated; have terrible balance; am working on core strengthening & cardio & laughing at & with myself along the way.

    There are folks of all ages, sizes, etc. who come. Some are obviously in shape, but most are like me -- workin' on it, day-by-day.


  • stackhead
    stackhead Posts: 121 Member
    I'm the same way. I hate going to the gym and feeling all self-conscious. But I joined a gym just last week. I love it. I do hate it when people say "no one is looking at you" because I know I look around at other people. But I don't judge. I'm just a people watcher, I just like to see what they're doing and how they're doing it. So be aware that some people may be looking at you, I'm sure I'm not the only people-watcher that goes to a gym, but they're not judging you. If anything they're thinking how awesome it is that you're there and doing this for yourself. It definitely does get easier to ignore the feeling of people looking at you the more often you go.


    I'm always looking round to see what other people are doing, only in rest time though. Not to judge, mainly to be like, I can't wait until I can do that!

    If someone does look at you, look right back and smile. They'll either think your crazy so won't look again or y'know just think you're a nice person trying to get a workout in!

    The best advice is just suck it up, walk in, do what you need to do then walk out. Oh and always walk with purpose, don't stroll around looking lost, even if you have know idea what you're doing :)
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Leave your ego in parking lot and hit it. You aren't there for anyone but you.

    You could also go at a time when the gym isn't packed. I personally go at 5am just because I hate people in general and the stacks and racks are empty.
  • Crystaleyed
    Crystaleyed Posts: 229 Member
    It's odd, because the gym is the one place I don't care how bad I look, but I can relate to that feeling completely. I think, as difficult as it is, the only thing you can do is focus entirely on you, why you're there and how this will benefit you and how much better you will look for it. Hard I know, I find that having an MP3 player with you helps, just play some music and block out the rest of the world :) hope that helps :)
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I felt the same way...but I didn't have room at home and I wanted to weight train so I had to go. What I did was check out every gym in my town until I found a small gym with lots of free weights, squat racks, etc... and not a lot of people in the morning. My gym is almost like a Gold's gym (what I call a man's gym) - not too many women and the men really don't give a crap because they are so busy throwing weight around. lol (and many are very helpful and think it's cool that a woman is lifting weights like a man).

    Plus there are a bunch of older people who go there and since I did not want to workout with 20-something hot bods, that worked for me too. Check them all out and see where you feel comfortable. You'll find one!
  • adopt321
    adopt321 Posts: 111
    It can be intimidating if you haven't gone for a while, but once you get back into your routine your confidence will increase - start a routine and stick with it. You're not going to get your rockin' body back unless you go...
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Yes, so I mostly go at hours when there aren't many people there. I've been going 4 and a half months and I still get nervous. I figure it'll pass eventually.
  • chunkadoo
    chunkadoo Posts: 41 Member
    Anyone that has time to judge others at the gym isn't working hard enough on their own workout. Put a pair of earphones in on blast and focus on yourself/your workout.
  • harmonymaxon
    harmonymaxon Posts: 27 Member
    Hey I was 261 when I started at the gym! No one cares! I have meet some pretty cool people there! I almost died my first abobics class! I was the fattest one in there! But instead of walking out I litterly said to myself " I'm going to do this better than them!" And I got home that night and told my husband " babe I don't know if I'm going to puke or pass out!" And I've been going ever sence and the ladies love me! Haha! Just go its about you! Prove the world your worth it to yourself!
  • ocragal
    ocragal Posts: 45 Member
    Part of this journey we are all on is to learn to be kind to ourselves. We are learning to lead healthy, active lifestyles and to love moving in our bodies. It sounds like you are not being a good friend to yourself. What would you tell your best friend if she raised this concern to you? You would tell her that she is beautiful and she should go anywhere she wants and enjoy herself.

    As a young mother, I went to the gym during the day when other young mothers went, and I made some terrific new friends. We all had the same issues of dealing with weight gain, finding time to work out, managing life balance and kids, and we all laughed and worked out together. Be nice to yourself -- go to the gym -- new, supportive friends are waiting to meet you!
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    LOVE the penguin! John rocks! SO does Jenny!
  • c_faulkenburg
    c_faulkenburg Posts: 158 Member
    No one pays attention to others at the YMCA where I go. And it's awesome for me because I've actually met some other moms there who have similar fitness goals to me. It's been rather lonely going so much, I've lost touch with some of my former mom friends.. Childcare at the gym is offered during the times we used to go to playdates.
  • BluePHX
    BluePHX Posts: 184 Member
    I'm in pretty good shape and you know what? I don't hate on ANYONE I see at the gym, no matter how far they have to go on their loss/build journey. Because whether they're just walking at first, reading a book on the bicycle or power lifting their faces off, they MADE IT. I actually have mad respect for overweight people I see at the gym. My first thought is always "good for you for making a choice to better yourself! Kick some *kitten*." And then I throw up the horns in my head. \m/

    Never feel ashamed. We are all in there for the same reason: to get healthy. You are welcome and so is everyone. :)
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    Just DO IT! Everyone is there for the same reason. To be honest, i have more repsect for the obese people i see working out at the gym, even if they are just walking on a treadmill, compared to the super-slim types pounding miles out of the treadmill, and i know a lot of people would agree, (as some of them have alreayd said here). That first step is always the hardest, but once you've done it, you'll be wondering what you were so worried about :)
  • WeightHacker
    WeightHacker Posts: 260 Member
    Suck it up and go.


    even im fear of the gym too. but after go, i feel much better. i dont worry about other people and they dont worry about me. what i do is play my music and mind my own business as i set my goals to do what i have to do. what i came to the gym for. ~