Love_cup Member


  • I tend to finish my diary later at night and forget to press complete entry... that would also help... wasn't taking that into consideration. I'm 24, 236, and last time they checked i was 38% body fat. I'll start completing my entries so people can see. I usually range between 1,500 to 1,800 calories a day... some days are…
  • I do cardio for an hour and a half so thats usually 350, than i do an hour and a half of weights.... sucks and I'm sore all the time but its beyond worth it
  • Sorry I thought my diary was open... I'll change that now. I go by my Macros so its 2044 calories a day. I work out 2 -3 hours a day and burn any where from 500 - 800 calories... I've only made the 2044 calories maybe twice... i find it hard to eat close to that amount. I was eating 1,300 before meeting my personal trainer…
  • this.... so much this
  • Thisss guyyy
    in DIET SODA! Comment by Love_cup July 2013
  • Ive had this DVD for 2 months now and never started! I'm excited to start with you guys!!!!
  • Hi there, I'm 230 looking to be down to 115. Feel free to add me!
  • I also play the Kinect and with Dance Central alone I lost 6Lbs in one week. I was just trying to practice to beat my husband but the game so so addicting. I would also recommend the Kinect. It is worth every penny.
  • I have a 14 month year old and I too am on fb. I'd like to get fit and loose all of the "baby" weight. You can add me if you'd like!
  • Sounds just like my gym. They call us 10-15 minutes later as well. My daughter was fine the first few times than she got to be the same way. So now what they do is they take her and show her the computer they checked her in at as my husband and I are leaving. This way she is distracted and eventually forgets why she was…
  • When I was breast feeding I lost 30lbs two weeks after my daughter (only gained 20 pregnant with her). I would definitely count those calories being burned. Although I gained most of it back after I stopped and started the formula the nursing was the best exercise I got for a few months after having her.
  • Thank you everyone! I think I'll pick up the book read it and see what its all about. Cant hurt to try right?
    in Dukan Diet Comment by Love_cup May 2011
  • I feel like BMI is set to how society want's us to look. I should be between 110-130 but thats to small since I as well have T and A. Go for what you feel would look good for you and you should feel energized and healthy
  • I'm going threw the same thing and it's been hard to lose the weight. Walking seems to have helped my mood and I haven't been as hungry for sugary foods. I'm always here for support or if you need someone to talk to.
  • I was 197 when I went to Europe and I was 175 when I came home. I did nothing but eat everything in sight but because the food there isn't processed and full of preservatives its healthy. Your body can easily use the nutrition from the food there and thus burn the calories off faster. As long as you walk everywhere you go…