a week in rome, what to eat?

help, help we will be in rome for a week in march, food everywhere, help, help


  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Portion control....
    That's what I'd recommend. Stick to as much meat and veggies as possible and little to no bread, pasta, etc.
    Although I will say it's practically a sin to go to Italy and not eat Italian pasta. lol. That's where the portion control comes into play. Make sure you're drinking a lot of water.
    Good luck!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    enjoy it! Gelato is EVERYWHERE and it is actually good for you. With the amount of walking you'll be doing, you can definatly eat some of the yummy food there! ah, I'm so JEALOUS!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    OMG! If I were in Rome for the first time and it wasn't likely that I was going back, I would give myself a free week and just get back on track when I got home. I would love to eat my way around Italy! :bigsmile:
  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
    I'm jealous of me too,

    fie on you both for giving me good advice, I want to eat cheese and bread until I pass out
  • BriannaSkye
    Id be doing the same thing :laugh:
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    Tomato based pasta sauces and pizzas rather than creamy, cheese-packed sauces. Lean meat and crisp vegetables for your mains. Lovely minestrone soup. And gelato rather than tiramisu (though the mere thought of going tiramisu-less in Italy is downright painful). Try to limit alcohol to the evening. Drink lots of water.

    Oh, and live a little, too. It's only a week after all.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Honestly, most places don't have the giant portions we do here and it's really easy to split multiple courses between people. That is what I recommend. The food there is simply amazing and far healthier that what you eat in the states plus you will be walking every where. I just say eat what you want but don't go nuts.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I agree with portion control. But you're in Rome. It's no reason to go off the wagon, but be sure to walk around everywhere. Plus, whenever possible, seek out all-natural foods (which they probably have a lot more of there than here!)

    Enjoy your trip!
  • naomihandler
    naomihandler Posts: 53 Member
    We went to Rome for a week in March 2010, it was amazing! I did not count my calories but I did watch my portions. I didn't gain any weight because we walked everywhere!!!! There is barely a subway system in Rome because everytime they dig they find something old and have to stop, so there is the bus and there is walking. We would basically try to walk as far as we could and then find a bus. Good luck and above all enjoy your vacation!!!
  • plainjoe81
    plainjoe81 Posts: 53 Member
    It's only for a week, enjoy yourself! Eating is 1 of the reasons for going :-)
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Seriously, don't worry about it. The food is so much better in Italy- fresh, not processed, no added crap, and it is already portion controlled. You won't get a meal like you do here, with meat and pasta and veggies. Everything is separate, and one serving is enough. You'll get pizza OR pasta (primi) OR meat (secondi) and order veggies separate. You'll be walking everywhere (if you're doing it right!), and Rome is ridiculously hilly, so you'll be constantly uphill/downhill/going up and down steps.

    Whenever I've traveled to Italy, I've lost weight without even trying, and I eat whatever I want. I ate tiramisu every morning for breakfast and gelato every single night. You won't enjoy yourself if you stress about the food and the exercise and losing weight. Enjoy the experience, live it, and you WILL lose. Do you see how skinny the Italians are?! They aren't calorie counting! Don't deprive yourself. I totally disagree with everyone who has and will say to not eat something (whether it is bread, pasta, cream sauces, cheese, dessert, etc. etc. etc.) while you are there. And there really is no need to portion control either, as I said- they do it for you. Plus, you won't feel the need to gorge- the food is so good, yes, but really filling, too. And you might be more hungry with all the added exercise, so you SHOULD be eating more.

    Don't do anything, I'm serious. The food is an experience that you need to just enjoy. And it honestly won't hurt you.
  • deandp371
    Tell us what you're having - I've never been!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Don't forget the wine and grappa. I loved Rome! The city is amazing, and you will do plenty of walking.
  • foyboy
    foyboy Posts: 49
    I know this probably wont help the cause, but the best lasagna I have ever had was at a place called Taverna Flavia. The owner was in Cleopatra and had photos all over the walls from the set. Great place, great food! You will do plenty of walking around as well, we came back and I was down a pound, you wouldn't have thought with all the gelato we had. Enjoy!
  • Love_cup
    Love_cup Posts: 20 Member
    I was 197 when I went to Europe and I was 175 when I came home. I did nothing but eat everything in sight but because the food there isn't processed and full of preservatives its healthy. Your body can easily use the nutrition from the food there and thus burn the calories off faster. As long as you walk everywhere you go its fine to eat everything and anything.