CatchMeJess Member


  • May Goal = 60 miles
  • Okay, since I'm still intermittently battling tendonitis, I'll shoot for 60 miles. 05/01 - 00 miles (cross-training)
  • Way too many miles! :D C'mon, what's a poor college student to do? And you're going to cringe here - they're my daily wear shoes too. So after I run in them, I shower, put on fresh socks and wear them all day. I wasn't kidding when I said they had no tread. Ok, I'm done talking about my poor worn shoes. Carry on.
  • You guys are awesome! I appreciate that you took the time to share your experiences and provide advice. I'll definitely have to try Balega socks (and maybe Injinji, though I hate having things in between my toes!!). Garmin might go on my birthday/Christmas wish list. It would be nice to know distance and pace. Currently, I…
  • What a wealth of information! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences! You all have been incredibly helpful.
  • I've heard a lot of votes for Garmin GPS watches but not necessarily the heart rate monitor. The HR monitor sounds important if you're concerned about training in specific zones, but I haven't met too many people like that. So the belts are no good? I've been running with a water bottle in my hand which is just ok (better…
  • Thank you for the tips! Jen, I'm surprised that you don't fuel before or during the long runs. But if that works for you, then more power to you! I've been hearing more and more people advocating fasted runs which I'm cool with - but I didn't know how well it would work as the distance builds. I think I would have to agree…
  • runner 475 - Thanks for following up and being supportive. And congratulations to YOU on your fitness successes! Currently, I'm inconsistent with my training and food-logging as my family just moved across the country and I'm trying to finish up my PhD dissertation. Ahh! I try to log in MFP but oftentimes fail to report…
  • Whew! It sounds like I'm not the only one. Thank you all for the advice! I will try having an immediate and clean post-run snack to stave off the afternoon munchies. I've always run solo and kept my concerns/successes/questions to myself, so it's nice to finally be in a community of health-conscious individuals (even if…
  • Hi Amber! So excited that you're reaching out. Having the support of like-minded fitness friends has been one of the best ways for me to be motivated too. Looking forward to hearing about the positive physical and mental changes you will be experiencing on your journey. Best of luck to you!