shayla21marie Member


  • Thanks everyone for your input! Now just to get over myself being in a swim suit! lol Feel free to add me, Its always great to have friends to hold you accountable
  • Who is he to make a comment about your weight?! Also if he doesn't see you often... Keep on truckin' and forget about those typed of comments, I know its hard, but think of it as a slap in the face to him next time you step on that scale and are down even more pounds! Feel free to add me :) <3
  • I am at my heaviest weight, I started MFP before lost 15 pounds. and now I got more back. Anyone can feel free to add me
  • 5'5 SW 238 CW 236 GW 145 Anyone can add me, If you do you might notice I haven't been very active lately but I could use the motiviation of y'al :) Getting back to it soon!
  • I am doing well for the most part, I bought myself a personal size blender so I either have a fruit/yogurt smoothie for breakfast that I can take to school with me, or a grapefruit and weight control oatmeal. Its SO much easier to lose weight when you can work in things you actually like to eat, and you can still enjoy…
  • There are so many great circuit type exersizes that you can do with no equipment, there are tons on the Internet:) Here are some ideas: 30 seconds of jumping jacks 30 seconds jogging on the spot 30 push ups 30 sit ups 30 burpees 30 lunges Repeat That's just off the top of my head I am sure you can find more thought out…
  • Here is the link if my adding you didn't work, all fiance's welcome :)
  • we got engaged within 2 weeks of eachother :) We don't have a date set, but probably won't be till late 2013/2014 but I am ok with that, more time to lose weight! haha
  • I have always wanted to go on a cruise! :) I am taking a tourism and travel program in college and i got to sit in class and learn all about the luxury cruises... haha I am looking to lose around the same amount as you I am around 235ish 5'5 being toned is most important to me i think. I just want everything to be tight…
  • Im actually across the border, but my iPhone likes to think otherwise! haha but we are still close!
  • I will be 21 in January, I am kind of in the same boat as you, college student trying to lose weight, feel free to add me :) I haven't weighed myself since before I went home for the holidays.. Im kinda scared to haha.
  • Thanks for the input everyone, I actually got Zumba, and Just Dance 3 for christmas I can't wait to try them out. and I am going to get myself a heart rate monitor so I can accurately track my progress :)
  • Have you tried googling it? I am not sure there is a way to look up recipes on here if they are added by users? maybe thats a feature they could add :)
  • Thanks for the suggestions and support everyone! I appriciate it all! :)
  • Thank you :) Hopefuly it warms up soon I love to go for walks its just so darn chilly! haha Ive been doing pretty good with breakfast I usually have 1 cup of Vanilla almond Special K and 1 cup of skim milk. but I get the morning cravings around 10 or 11 sometimes due to my silly schedule I dont get lunch till 1 and…
  • Ill have to look into the wraps, I have been using my slow cooker alot lately, so maybe I can cook up a turkey breast on Sunday and use if for wraps throughout the week. I wish I could get a trainer! but thats for the suggestions, hopefully it warms up soon! lots of snow and below 25 weather is a little hard on me, I am…
  • Thanks for the Reply, my school dosen't actually have a track (yet) they are building a health plex that i believe is opening in september which i am really looking forward to, because right now the gym has one treadmill, and a few weight machines, (not very good for the amount of money we pay! but thats a different story)…
  • I understand where you are coming from, but i came to this board for motivation./help and or suggestions.