21 year old college student

Hey guys! I've been on here for a few days, but thought I'd introduce myself! I'm Ryan, a college student who's ready to finally lose weight for good. I've always been overweight, but it's blown up since I've been in college. I lost 35 pounds after my freshman year, but quickly gained it back after becoming an RA.

I'm starting things off by doing the C25K challenge and the 100 pushups challenge. My goals so far are to get down to 230lbs and run my 2nd 5K in March. Would love to find some friends (especially college-aged friends) to keep each other accountable and motivate each other.

My starting weigh-in is in the morning. I'm nervous, but I know that whatever that number is, I'll never go higher than that again!


  • teephil
    teephil Posts: 135 Member
    That's the spirit! Feel free to add me man.
  • Kim_08
    Kim_08 Posts: 157
    I'm also 21, student in nursing school and working full time! We can do it :wink: Good luck at your weigh-in!
  • shayla21marie
    shayla21marie Posts: 24 Member
    I will be 21 in January, I am kind of in the same boat as you, college student trying to lose weight, feel free to add me :) I haven't weighed myself since before I went home for the holidays.. Im kinda scared to haha.
  • Mmeeker09
    Hey I am in the same boat as both of you! I am about to turn 21 and I am very overweight. Kim I am a nursing student and working full time also :). I also recently got engaged and I am too embarrassed of my weight to even take my engagement photos! I hope we all can encourage each other through this!
  • Kim_08
    Kim_08 Posts: 157
    Hey I am in the same boat as both of you! I am about to turn 21 and I am very overweight. Kim I am a nursing student and working full time also :). I also recently got engaged and I am too embarrassed of my weight to even take my engagement photos! I hope we all can encourage each other through this!

    OMG! I got engaged in May and I'm waiting to lose weight before I take my engagement photos as well. So weird..
  • Mmeeker09
    that is super weird!!
  • VeggieKelli
    VeggieKelli Posts: 232 Member
    Hey, just sent you an add request. I am also 21 and in college, graduating this spring with a B.A. in Arts. Great to see some fellow youngens on here, lol, anyone is welcome to add me for support, and my suggestion for high success is to join groups and challenges!! Best of wishes!
  • BuffERRN
    BuffERRN Posts: 109 Member
    I know that Im not in college, I graguated three years ago... BUT I was in the same boat that your in now. When i graduated from high school I was 220 and when i went home for christmas, i was around 250. I was eating like crap and lifting for size and not strength not to mention doing a lot fo 12 oz. curls... Not going to lie, it was fun but I fought like hell to lose the weight. Since being out of school, I have much better control of what foods Im eating and changed the ways I work out. I am an RN on the cardiac floor and in the ER and it is a lot easier on istructin people how to eat healthy when I am eating healthy too... I joined this site one week ago and have diligently been counting calories. I have my first weigh in tomorrow. Right now Im 250, but a different 250... The guy i was my freshman year was a fluffy 250 and im trying to get toned and cut up.

    (by the way, I graduated with a BA in liberal arts with a degree in nursing...) found that interesting with all the posts all having one thing in common...

    Feel free to add me. The more support the better!
  • rhouser9021
    Thanks everyone for the support! Nice to see that there are a lot of people similar to me on here :)
  • FierceFitBeautiful
    Hi there! I'm a 19 yr old nursing student... looking to lose that stubborn weight I've ALWAYS had. Good luck on your journey, & remember if you did it once you can most certainly do it again! xx